Weekend lockdown and threat on social media result in Monday school closures
Manchester Middle School/ High School, Klager Elementary and Manchester’s preschools will be closed today, Monday November 20, while a threat to the Middle School/High School building is investigated. On Saturday night, a lockdown occurred following a high school Drama Club production, because of a report of a person behaving suspiciously outside the building. The police were called and […]
Community Bible Church celebrates 50 years
Sunday, October 8, marked the 50 year anniversary of the very first worship service held in the Community Bible Church auditorium. Approximately 150 people joined together in celebrating 50 years of God’s faithfulness. Church members were privileged to be joined by three individuals who were a part of the church’s beginning 50 years before–Harold and Geneva […]
Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, attends dedication of Gov. Charles Croswell’s portrait
submitted by Betty Cummings, Regent of Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, DAR Members of the Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, attended a dedication ceremony celebrating the unveiling of the portrait of Charles Miller Croswell, 17th Governor of the State of Michigan, on Monday, November 13, at the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing. The […]
Happy Hearts Feline Rescue granted permit to continue operating with conditions
Earlier this year, Jef & Jeanette Spencer, who operate Happy Hearts Feline Rescue located at 10905 E. Pleasant Lake Rd. in Freedom Township, were notified that they were not in compliance with the Township’s Zoning Ordinance and in order to continue operating, they required a Conditional Use Permit. On October 3, Freedom Township held a public […]
Manchester’s Farmers Market ponders switch back to Adrian Street
With the close of 2017 Manchester Farmers Market season, the Farmers Market Committee is looking back over the season and considering whether or not to stay in their current location for the next. This summer the Manchester Farmers Market was open for 25 Thursdays, and had a weekly average of just over 10 vendors […]
Sheriff Dept. to offer Active Threat Response Training to Washtenaw County church leaders
submitted by the Washtenaw County Sheriff Office Earlier this month, the nation was stunned by the violence that took place at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Twenty-six people were murdered and twenty others were wounded. Unfortunately, this is not the only active shooter incident that has happened at a place of worship. […]
CRC & Library Thanksgiving week hours
The Manchester District Library will have regular hours Monday and Tuesday and will be closing at 6 pm on Wednesday, November 22. Drop boxes will remain open. The library will re-open on Friday, November 24 at 10 am. The Community Resource Center will be open on Monday, November 20 from 1-4 pm and Tuesday, November 21 from […]
Washtenaw County Public Health is encouraging smokers to quit
The 2017 Great American Smokeout was Thursday, Nov. 16. Washtenaw County Public Health is celebrating by encouraging smokers to quit, make a plan to quit, or reach out for support to quit. The Michigan Tobacco Quitline can help smokers take steps towards quitting – and towards improving their current and future health. Tobacco use remains […]
Comerica Bank donates $4,000 to Manchester Chicken Broil
The Manchester Chicken Broil has always proved that a little help can go a long way. And over the last four years, that help has gone even further to benefit the community, thanks to the generosity of Comerica Bank. “Comerica has donated a total of $4,000 to the Manchester Community Chicken Broil over the past four years,” said […]
Election results
Last Tuesday, voters turned out at the polls throughout the county to vote on multiple proposals. While overall voter turnout in Washtenaw County was about 18.5%, Manchester (township including village) had about 21% turnout (820 voters), Freedom had about 23% turnout (277 voters), Sharon had about 27% turnout (405 voters) and Bridgewater had about 20% […]