Fire Department seeking new applicants
Looking for new volunteer firefighters and EMS responders is nothing new for the Manchester Township Fire Department (MTFD), but they’ve recently gone public in their effort to increase their ranks. Fire Chief Bill Scully says, “We’re always looking for new blood–but we haven’t really had a plan for how to do it. We decided to […]
Twentieth Century Club offering scholarship to adult women who want to take a class or learn a new skill
The Twentieth Century Club is once again offering an enlightenment scholarship for adult women this year. The scholarship’s purpose is to assist women in the community with “education to enlighten their lives,” to promote life-long learning, and to encourage women to pursue new knowledge and develop new skills throughout their lives. Adult women, 25 years […]
Historic local cookbooks available at the library
by Tamara Denby, Claire Reck Local History Room Volunteer It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Maybe it’s the unseasonably warm weather we had this fall, but it seems like I blinked and autumn is almost over. In November, my thoughts turn to the holidays … and, most importantly, to food. Maybe […]
WWRA Offers Tips for Greener Holidays
The Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority (WWRA) sees an upswing in recyclables over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, a somewhat natural occurrence since area residents are buying more food and products for family gatherings. However, there are many “green” ways to reduce, reuse, and then recycle, said Shawn Personke, PR/Outreach Consultant for the WWRA. “One daily […]
Community volunteers honored at banquet
Saturday evening, volunteers from twenty-two of Manchester’s organizations were honored at the Community Resource Center’s Annual Volunteer Banquet held in the St Joseph Mercy Chelsea’s dining room. While all of the volunteers had done amazing amounts of volunteer work, a few were selected by a “blue ribbon panel,” this year made up of the Manchester […]
Vote on Tuesday!
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday, November 7th! Polls open at 7 am and close at 8 pm. On the ballot in the Village and all four Townships are a county-wide proposal for a new millage to fund improvements in mental health treatment, fund the County’s Sheriff’s Department and communities who maintain their own police […]
Binoculars now available for checkout at the Library
submitted by Tamara Denby As the days grow shorter and the air crisp and fresh, countless varieties of birds make their way south from their summer breeding grounds to their warmer winter homes. Hummingbirds, red tailed hawks, eagles and, of course, geese gather in flocks, providing bird-lovers an opportunity to see our feathered friends in […]
Manchester Dairy Queen raises $1,200 for CRC
Manchester Dairy Queen’s last day open for the season this year was Monday, October 23, and they decided all sales made that day would be donated to the Community Resource Center. Although owners Jeff and Crystal Fahey did not have high hopes for the fundraiser because of the cold rainy weather, the turnout was surprising and […]
Science Olympiad needs coaches for Manchester to compete this year
Science Olympiad is a national program to promote interest and recognize achievement in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad (WESO) is a local affiliate that offers learning opportunities and hosts a tournament event in the spring for all participating schools and Klager Elementary has fielded a team for this competition since […]
Manchester products included in harvest baskets for county Commissioners
submitted by Washtenaw County Farm Bureau Members of Washtenaw County Farm Bureau’s Promotion & Education Committee (P&E) assembled and presented “Harvest Baskets” of products grown and produced in our county to each of the members of the Washtenaw Board of Commissioners at their November 1 meeting. P&E chair, Lynda Horning, made the presentation during the […]