
 Sara Swanson

“Wil’s Team Will” helps raise $40,000 for the Down Syndrome Support Team

submitted by Lynnelle Tans “Wil’s Team Will” was in full force on Sunday, October 1 to kick off Down Syndrome Awareness Month at the 13th Annual Buddy Walk. The event, organized by the Down Syndrome Support Team, drew more than 700 walkers to Gallup Park in Ann Arbor, raising more than $40,000. Wil Taylor, a Manchester […]

 Sara Swanson

Kim Blumenstein selected to fill vacant school board seat

Last Monday night during a School Board special meeting, five candidates spoke before the school board and audience of parents, and school staff, about their backgrounds, their understanding of the job of a school board member and how they would deal with conflict. Jami Booth, Dawn Schaffer, David Bartley, Kim Blumenstein and Casey Krone all […]

 Marsha Chartrand

National Walk Day draws a crowd!

Between 85-90 kids, parents, community members, and Klager staff participated in National Walk to School Day last Wednesday, October 4. It was a great turnout despite many logistical challenges for the staff coordinating this year’s walking program. Kathy O’Mara has headed up this program for four years, and is always eager to  find new ways to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Eagle Scout project results in new playground at Kirk Park

An Eagle Scout project soon to be completed by Scout Joseph Grebe, will provide additional play equipment at Kirk Park for toddlers and preschoolers. Equipment especially for younger children was seen as a need in the Manchester Village Parks Commission long range planning, and Grebe stepped up just in time to get the structure completed […]

 Sara Swanson

Teachers express frustration as school board decides to negotiate teacher contracts through attorney

Last week, shortly after a Manchester Education Association (EA) meeting, social media was flooded with support for Manchester teachers in the face of stalled contract negotiations with the district. While negotiations have been going on since June, the school board decided after the September board meeting to have the district’s legal counsel, Thrun Law Firm, […]

 Sara Swanson

Feline rescue shelter in Freedom Township may be forced to close

Happy Hearts Feline Rescue, a shelter that rescues, provides veterinary care for, temporarily houses, and then provides adoption opportunities for up to 40 cats at a time faces an uncertain future. Freedom Township officials have notified the property owners, Jef & Jeanette Spencer, that because their operation is not in compliance with the Township Zoning […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Second annual Sharon Township picnic

Submitted by Trudi Cooper On Saturday September 23, intrepid Sharon Townshippians braved scalding 90+ degree weather to gather for Sharon Township’s Second Annual Picnic, to honor the 100th birthday of the Sharon Town Hall. They feasted on many homemade delights. Several residents brought very old items for Show and Tell. Among these were a Ten […]

 Fritz Swanson

22nd Annual Manchester CROP Walk Raises $2,400 to fight hunger

On October 1st, 70 Manchester residents participated in the CROP Hunger Walk which began at the Manchester United Methodist Church and raised more than $2,400. “The weather was great and more dogs than ever participated to support good causes!” exclaimed participant Lon Nordeen. A Manchester CROP Walk has been held every year since 1995 and including this […]

 Sara Swanson

Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Benefit dinner raises almost $3,000 for hurricane relief

This past Wednesday the local Knight of Columbus – Fr. Edwin A. Fisher Council 4354 held a benefit dinner at the St. Mary Parish Center to raise money to help with the disaster relief effort from the recent hurricanes in the south. With the generous support of Manchester and surrounding communities, they served over 190 […]

 Marsha Chartrand

MMAP – Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program

The Community Resource Center is pleased to partner with St. Joseph Mercy–Chelsea to bring a trained MMAP (Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program) counselor to Manchester. This is a free health-benefit counseling service provided to Michigan residents with the goal of helping Medicare beneficiaries find their way through the health benefits maze. The counselor’s role is to […]