New “Little Free Library” comes to town
The Little Free Library (LFL) movement started in 2009 and has already grown to a network of more than 50,000 “libraries” worldwide. There have been a few LFLs placed in Manchester over the past few years, notably at Chi-Bro Park and Linda’s Diner both maintained by the Friends of the Library, but the newest one […]
“Walk to School” days start up this week with additional location
The popular “Walk to School” Mondays and Wednesdays will begin this week for kindergarten through sixth grades. The groups often have special themes for walking days, which are announced by school staff and much fun is had by all on those special days. Due to scheduling, Klager staff members now need to be in the building at 7:51am so some […]
New High School principal and dean of 7th & 8th grade students hired
Interim Superintendent, Brad Hamilton announced last week that following a targeted search, a new principal has been selected for grades 7-12 at Manchester Middle and High School, pending contract acceptance and formal board approval. “Mr. Eric McCalla has been the Assistant High School principal and Athletic Director for Grass Lake Community Schools for the past 10-plus […]
Do downtown businesses need to stay open later?
At the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) town hall meeting on August 16th, attendees were told two startling statistics. The first statistic is that 50% of money spent shopping, is spent after 5 pm (during the week) and on Sundays (all day). The second came up while the results of a survey given to Manchester downtown […]
New Klager sign waiting on Consumers Energy
The new electronic sign has been erected at Klager Elementary School, but it is not yet operational. The district has contacted Consumers Energy to install a pole to provide and connect a power source to the sign, and are waiting for contractors to arrive. Unlike the sign in front of the High School, Klager’s sign […]
WCSO updates on child luring incidents
The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office is working in conjunction with the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office, as well as Hamburg Township Police Department, regarding three separate attempted child luring incidents which have occurred since Saturday, August 26, 2017. The Washtenaw County incident occurred in the area of Orchard Street and Portage Lake Avenue in Dexter Township […]
SRSLY Coalition Celebrates Ninth Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party
Every year, SRSLY celebrates the hard work of its dedicated volunteers by throwing a Volunteer Appreciation Party. The SRSLY coalitions in Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, and Stockbridge came together at Pinckney State Park for this celebration on August 9. Thousands of t-shirts, slices of pizza, and hours of volunteer time have been put into SRSLY since it […]
One step closer to connecting village to Watkins State Park
Last Wednesday night almost forty Manchester village, township, and other area residents attended the Manchester Village Parks and Recreation Open House to give input that will be added to the joint 5 year Parks and Recreation plan. Attendees were able to both vote on new recreation features proposed by organizers, like having the River Raisin running […]
Lindsay Hannah to leave SRSLY Manchester
In a letter dated Friday, Aug. 25, Lindsay Hannah, who has been acting as the Coalition Director for SRSLY Manchester over the past four years, announced to the coalition that she has accepted a position with a health foundation in Wasilla, Alaska. Hannah’s last day with SRSLY Manchester will be September 15. “This was a very […]
Manchester Sesquicentennial Recap–Part 3
by Ray Berg The Sesquicentennial events through mid-Saturday August 5, were summarized in Parts 1 and 2 of this series. This week, we finish with a summary of activities on the rest of Saturday through the closing ceremony on Monday August 7. Historic Home Tours – Saturday, August 5 and Sunday, August 6 As part of […]