New voting machines coming to Manchester
All of Washtenaw County, including all five Manchester-area precincts, will be receiving new voting machines this fall. Hart InterCivic’s Verity Voting system will replace aging election equipment and includes ballot tabulators, accessible devices for voters with disabilities, and election management software. The state of Michigan has mandated and funded the replacement of all election equipment statewide. Each county clerk […]
29 students participate in Science Olympiad – 2 teams medal!
Twenty-nine Manchester students in grades 2 through 5 participated in Science Olympiad this year and they had some pretty stiff competition. They competed with students from 42 schools from across the county! Manchester fielded teams in seven different events: Feathered Friends, Circuit Wizardry, On Target, Photon Phun, Water Rockets, To Infinity and Beyond, and Mystery Architecture Two of our fifth grade event teams […]
Sweet Soles – Senior Girl Scout starting running/walking club for Gold Award project
Paige Bourland, a sophomore at Manchester High School and a girl scout in Troop 41773 is hoping her Gold Award project will have a lasting impact on the health of the Manchester community. She has created “Sweet Soles,” a running/walking club that will meet weekly during the summer for group running/walking and is organizing a free community 5K […]
WCRC chip-sealing Pleasant Lake Road and Clinton Road, crack-sealing Austin Road
Have you noticed “Loose Stones – 35 mph” signs on county roads? These signs mean a road has recently been chip sealed and three Manchester roads are scheduled for road work this week. According to the Washtenaw County Road Commission, Clinton Rd. between Austin Rd. to the County Line is scheduled for chip sealing on Monday, and Pleasant Lake Road between Schneider Road and M-52 […]
Four MHS students to leave for Germany this week
Four Manchester High School students will be leaving this weekend on June 11, for three weeks of family stays in the small town of Varel in Northern Germany near the North Sea, and Innsbruck, Austria. Mitchell Ernst, Aidan White, Claudia Waltz and Joseph Grebe, will be joining students from Jackson High School to travel to […]
Manchester Big Tree Search – Help the Mirror find the biggest tree in Manchester!
The Manchester Mirror is excited to announce that we are holding a summer long search for the biggest tree in the Manchester area! We need your help to discover Manchester’s very own sentinels, trees that have stood witness to the changes over time to our area, from wilderness to Native American settlement to European Immigrant […]
2017 Manchester Canoe/Kayak Race results
At noon on Sunday, May 21, the 51st Annual Manchester Canoe/Kayak Race began. Canoes, kayaks, trailers, athletes, amateurs and enthusiasts poured into the Village. This year, on the 50th anniversary of the first race, the Annual Manchester Canoe/Kayak Race had 74 entries! The fastest time this year was 30:02 min by Hill and Walton in the Competition […]
School building consolidation transition team moves forward – more questions answered, public meetings scheduled
Last Thursday Manchester Community Schools held its first Transition Team meeting. The committee is tasked with ensuring a smooth transition for students currently in grades 5th – 8th, moving into new buildings for the 2017/2018 school year. Because of the re-purposing of the Manchester Middle School, current 5th graders (next year’s 6th graders) will be moving from the […]
Girls On the Run – Klager girls complete two 5Ks and so much more
Over a period of 10 weeks, a group of Klager girls in the 2nd through 4th grades participated in the program of positive emotional, social, mental, and physical development which culminated earlier in the month in two 5K runs (or walk/runs)–one around the Village of Manchester, and another through U of M’s North Campus with other […]