
 Sara Swanson

New traffic signal at corner of M-52 & Pleasant Lake Road

A brand new, long-awaited traffic signal was installed by Michigan Department of Transportation on the corner of M-52 & Pleasant Lake Road, last Monday, May 22. The signal went into “flash” on Tuesday with a blinking yellow light for M-52 and blinking red light for Pleasant Lake Road traffic. According to M-DOT, the signal will be […]

 Sara Swanson

SRSLY Manchester creates “SRSLY Safe Homes” List

SRSLY Manchester Coalition, which just last week announced their “Most Students Don’t Use” campaign, has announced a new project: the SRSLY Safe Homes List. A SRSLY Safe Home is a home in which the family has committed to providing a safe and substance-free environment for their children and any other youth who spend time there. […]

 Fritz Swanson

School Board initiates independent investigation in light of principal’s accusations

The Manchester Community Schools Board of Education met in a Special Session on Monday, May 21, 2017. They convened to hear a complaint from High School Principal Kevin Mowrer. Mowrer alleged that he had been verbally abused by a board member on May 10th; that this incident was not the only incident he has experienced, and that he felt […]

 Sara Swanson

Check out a Michigan Activity Pass at the Manchester District Library

submitted by the Manchester District Library This year, use your Manchester District Library card to check out a Michigan Activity Pass. The Michigan Activity Pass (MAP), a cultural partnership program hosted by The Library Network, is celebrating its 10 year anniversary in 2017. This year-round program, which allows library patrons to check out a free […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Girl Scout troops hold encampment

Manchester Girl Scouts from six troops, ranging in grade from kindergarten to soon-to-graduate MHS 12th graders, participated in an encampment last weekend at Camp O’ the Hills in Brooklyn. In total 50 people participated! The encampment was hosted and planned by Senior Troop 41773, made up of seven MHS 10th Graders and their leaders Kimberly Wooden […]

 Sara Swanson

MHS students overestimate number of peers doing drugs – SRSLY Manchester begins campaign to change misconceptions

The SRSLY Manchester Coalition and Students Leading Students kicked off their third annual positive social norm campaign titled “Most Teens Don’t Use.” This campaign celebrates teens that are making healthy choices when it comes to prescription drugs, marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco. The positive social norms campaign is based on 2016 data from the Michigan Profile for […]

 Sara Swanson

School Board votes to consolidate K-12 into two buildings next year

At a standing-room-only special meeting last Monday night, the Manchester Community School Board of Education voted 6 to 1 to repurpose the Middle School Building next year, and to house the 5th & 6th grades at Klager Elementary and 7th & 8th grades at the High School. After hearing from eight audience members who expressed […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village gets $5,000 grant for signage

Part of a grant approved last month by the Washtenaw County Convention and Visitors Bureau will help the Village of Manchester provide new signs to direct residents and visitors alike to the Shared Use Trail, the Leonard Preserve, and Chi-Bro Park trails. The $5,000, part of a “CTAP” (Community Tourism Action Plan) grant, will be allocated […]

 Sara Swanson

Local farmers help educate kids in farm safety

More than 175 folks planned, sponsored, volunteered, or attended the recent Washtenaw Farm Safety Program at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations in our country, and involves many families. While farms are great places for children to play, visit, and work, they can also be places where kids […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Record breaking participation on Walk and Bike to School Wednesday!

Last Wednesday, May 11, was National Bike to School Day. Riders rivaled the number of walkers at Wurster Park and Chi-Bro, and many more Klager kids got off the buses at the high school to join teacher Kathy O’Mara for a walk to school. A total of 189 participants set a new record for the event, […]