
 Sara Swanson

Lyme Disease confirmed in Washtenaw County ticks

Spring is finally here and, unfortunately, that means tick season has arrived as well. Washtenaw County Public Health reminds residents that Lyme disease has been detected in Washtenaw County. “We have always promoted tick-borne disease prevention,” says Laura Bauman, epidemiology manager with Washtenaw County Public Health. “However, this year it is especially important as Lyme […]

 Sara Swanson

School District to vote on building consolidation

Last Monday at its regularly scheduled monthly meeting, the Manchester Community Schools Board of Education revisited one of last year’s more contentious topics–building consolidation. This time around, the board was presented with fewer options, more research, and the stark reality that in order to prevent a negative fund balance (which would likely lead to a […]

 Danielle Muntz

Klager Leadership Day 2017

Leadership day at Klager was very interactive this year with students leading community leaders and visiting teachers through the school to take part in various activities. Principal Karin Villarreal told the group gathered that the day was “99% [students’] preparation and presentation.” The morning started in the media center where the 7 Habits choir sang three songs. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

SRSLY and Builder’s Club plan CPR classes for middle schoolers

You’re never too young to help your neighbor. That’s the lesson that the local SRSLY and Kiwanis’ Builders and Key Clubs are teaching their members. Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 25, and on Tuesday, May 9, Heather McConaughy from St Joseph Mercy Hospital–Chelsea will be conducting a CPR Class at Manchester High School. A total of 50 […]

 Sara Swanson

Chain Gang receives large donation of yarn

On Monday, April 10th, Karen Christiansen of Saline passed away after a two and a half year battle with cancer. In her honor, her husband Louis generously donated his wife’s supply of over 25 bags full of yarn to Manchester’s Chain Gang. The yarn will be distributed to the Chain Gang’s network of knitters and crocheters […]

 Sara Swanson

Morel time in Manchester

Manchester residents had success morel hunting locally this weekend! Social media was full of morel finds. Although earlier than usual, head out and check your favorite spots, before someone else does! Need a refresher on how to identify morels and what to do with them when you find the? Read Foraging Manchester: Morels.

 Sara Swanson

Masons donate $1,000 to Dutchmen Fire fighters Associaton

The Manchester Lodge #148 of the Free & Accepted Masons recently donated $1,000 to the Dutchmen Fire Fighters Association for equipping their new off-road fire fighting JEEP. These are proceeds from their 2016 summer Golf Outing which was held at the Gauss Green Valley GC, on Brooklyn Road in Jackson. Their next Golf Outing will […]

 Sara Swanson

County Public Health warns of possible exposure to measles in two Ann Arbor Restaurants

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed a second case of measles in a Michigan adult. Washtenaw County Public Health issued a warning on Friday because of potential exposure to measles at two area restaurants on Thursday and Friday of the previous week. Measles is a highly-contagious, airborne disease caused by the measles […]

 Sara Swanson

New ways to solve lake challenges discussed at PLPOA annual meeting

Lisa Brush, Executive Director of The Stewardship Network, encouraged the audience of about 30 Freedom Township residents who attended the April 9th annual meeting of the Pleasant Lake Property Owners Association (PLPOA) to find new ways to work together in a cooperative manner to find solutions to lake threats. The focus of her briefing, titled: […]

 Sara Swanson

Middle School students show off talent at 16th Annual Variety Show

Last week, 20 acts performed at the Manchester Middle School’s 16th Annual Variety Show. Lindsay Hannah, of the organizing group, SRSLY Manchester, would like to thank the 8th Grade Stage Manager Jacob Mann, who whipped everyone into shape. “Practices and performances have never run so smoothly!” Hannah stated. She also highlighted Manchester Middle School teacher Lois Bohl, who provided homework […]