
 Marsha Chartrand

Klager’s second annual “Turkey Trot” a gobbling success!

They came on foot; they came in cars or school buses and walked the rest of the distance to school; and they even came in strollers. The second annual “Turkey Trot” for Walk to School Wednesday, held on Nov. 16, was a success both in number of participants and in the collection of goods for Manchester’s […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester graduate wins 1st in bacon category at 2016 World Food Championships

Can you make a Bacon dish that is worth $100,000? Chef Colleen Curley, 1985 graduate of Manchester High School, believed she could, and went on to prove it at the world’s largest event in Food Sport – the World Food Championships (WFC) – in Orange Beach, Alabama. Colleen competed from November 9 – 15 against 419 […]

 Sara Swanson

Kiwanis soliciting 2017 Crazy Ca$h grant applications

The Manchester Area Kiwanis Club is gearing up for the 18th Annual Crazy Ca$h night on March 4, 2017. As in past years, they have in place a process that allows community groups to apply for a portion of the raffle proceeds. If selected, the group will be expected to assist in selling tickets, serving on […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester veterans honored in Klager assemblies on Veterans Day

On Friday afternoon, Klager Elementary School held two, hour-long Veterans Day assemblies both in honor of Manchester’s veterans and in order to educate the students. Attended by the members of Manchester’s American Legion Post including Lauren Huber, Bob Trent, Francis Heckaman, Chuck Steele, Jerry Miller, Lester Koch, and Doug Harvey, as well as Legion Auxiliary members, the cafeteria was filled with local youngsters. […]

 Sara Swanson

Trump wins presidency – Local election results

As of 2:45 am Wednesday, Republican candidate Donald Trump has won the Presidency. And while Washtenaw County overall went for Hilary Clinton over Trump, four of Manchester area’s five precincts, all except the Village, went for Trump over Clinton. While the outcome of the presidential race was uncertain for most of the night, other races […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Klager Elementary holds mock election

With results closely mirroring the predicted but not the actual outcome of the election, the students at Klager Elementary School chose Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton as the new leader of our nation by a narrow margin over Republican Donald Trump by a vote of 162-154. Second and fourth-grade teachers Mrs. Mary Fielder and Mrs. Kathy […]

 Sara Swanson

“Mobile Winter Farms Market” to begin this week in Manchester

If you are mourning the end of farmers market season or wondering how many days until your garden is done for the winter and you’ll have to switch over to grocery store veggies trucked in from great distances, we’ve got exciting news. The Chelsea Farmers Market, a program of St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, is offering […]

 Danielle Muntz

Manchester Township Board Recognize Lyle Widmayer’s 68 Year of Service

As he tells it; in 1947 he returned to Manchester from the Navy and his dad told him “It’s time for you to take my place on the fire department.” Lyle Widmayer has never stopped serving. On the fire department, as Village council clerk, on the planning commission, and last Tuesday he sat his last meeting […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Community School Foundation’s 2nd Annual Family Trivia Night

submitted by Theresa Herron Families and friends from near and far gathered Saturday night at the Freedom Township Hall, to vie for a coveted “TRIVIA NIGHT CHAMPION” t-shirt. The Manchester Community Schools Foundation hosted their second annual Family Trivia Night, to raise money for grants and program support for the school district. Prior to the event, students across the school […]

 Sara Swanson

Halloween 2016 – caramel apples, pumpkin bowling, trick-or-treating

  Manchester was full of local and out-of-town trick-or-treaters last Monday night. Barry Allen of the Manchester Lions Club, thought that they had over 200 kids participate in pumpkin bowling, but stated, “nobody kept track.” Elizabeth Beaudoin of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce stated, “It just left you with a really good feeling at the […]