
 Sara Swanson

Remember to VOTE on Tuesday

Take time on Tuesday to vote in Michigan’s state primary election. Your polling place will be open from 7 am to 8 pm. In addition to determining which Republicans and Democrats will be on the ballot in November, Washtenaw Community College has a millage renewal and restoration proposal on the ballot. Click here to read about […]

 Sara Swanson

Friends of the Library need book donations & volunteers

The Friends of the Manchester District Library will be holding its monthly book donation day this Saturday, August 6th in the Village Room (lower level of the library) from 10 am to noon. They are asking for donations of non-damaged books you would like to get rid of. They can’t accept magazines, text books, encyclopedias or books […]

 Sara Swanson

2016 Guide to the State Primary Election for the Manchester area

On Tuesday, Aug. 2, Michigan will will hold its State Primary Election. In addition to a Washtenaw County Community College Proposal, which will be on all four townships’ ballots, there are contested elections to vote in depending in whether you choose a Republican or Democratic Party ballot. We’ve reached out to all of the candidates […]

 Sara Swanson

Freedom Township holding public hearing on fence issue & other proposed changes to the zoning ordinance

On Aug 4, 7pm at Freedom Township Hall, located at 11508 Pleasant Lake Road, the Freedom Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed changes to the zoning ordinance. The proposed amendments will “clarify the residential density, floor area ratio, and ground floor coverage standards that apply to submerged lands; remove the privacy screen […]

 Ray Berg

MAHS meets their fundraising goal – raises $84,000 for K-J House!

On Thursday July 7, the same day the Manchester Area Historical Society celebrated “Manchester Heritage Day” at the Kingsley-Jenter House, the Society also announced the successful conclusion of its 60-day fundraising campaign titled, “Kingsley-Jenter House Community Place.” This campaign relied on a crowdfunding approach organized and sponsored by the State of Michigan through the Detroit-based […]

 Ray Berg

Manchester Chamber hosts talk on new Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve

On Monday, July 11, the Chamber of Commerce hosted its monthly meeting at the MAHS Kingsley-Jenter House, featuring a presentation on the new Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve being created west of Manchester. The public was invited resulting in the room packed with 39 participants, indicating strong community interest in this new park […]

 Danielle Muntz

Invasion of the Poké-Catchers – Pokémon Go hits Manchester!

Over the last few days residents may have noticed more people on the sidewalks than the usual dog-walker, or couple on an evening stroll.  A new type of pedestrian is roaming the village; they hold their cell phone out in front of them, and will frequently stop for no obvious reason to exaggeratedly swipe across […]

 Fritz Swanson

Clinton School District to send bus into Manchester this fall

Manchester Community Schools, like many other school districts in the state, is struggling with the district budget. Because of decreased revenue per pupil from the state, combined with decreased enrollment due to factors outside of its control, school districts are turning to the only source of new income open to them in order to continue […]

 Sara Swanson

Freedom Township authorizes next step of green infrastructure program

In February, Freedom Township began looking at its “green infrastructure,” what they have lost and what they have still to protect. Read more about that here. Residents, government officials and non-profit groups worked with the Huron River watershed council to create a green infrastructure map that was presented at a Freedom Township board meeting this spring. […]

 Sara Swanson

School Board holding off on Ackerson Building closure vote

As a result of school budget problems, last winter the school board appointed a committee to study how to shrink Manchester Community School costs. The committee, composed of teachers, support staff, parents, students, community members and administrators, held their first meeting Jan 26, 2016. They met multiple times and by March decided on recommending the closing […]