
 Sara Swanson

Updated: Main Street Bridge opening on Wednesday canceled due to weather

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 – Editors Note: We’ve received word from Village officials that because of weather delays, the bridge won’t be ready to open tomorrow and the very short ceremony scheduled for 10am has been canceled. The bridge will most likely open during the day on Friday, without a ceremony. A formal bridge opening […]

 Sara Swanson

Lions Club to test vision of all Manchester K-12 students

Starting today, the Manchester Lions Club will be performing vision screenings of all of the K-12 students in the Manchester Community Schools. They plan to test all of the high school students this afternoon. They will test Middle School students on Friday, May 6th, and while the date is yet to be scheduled, will test the […]

 Fritz Swanson

Manchester Community Schools launches strategic planning process

The Board of Education and the Administration of Manchester Community Schools is launching a new initiative to guide the district through a 3-5 year Strategic Plan. The purpose of this initiative is to help them develop new goals and strategies for continuing to offer an excellent education for their students, while using scarce public education resources in […]

 Fritz Swanson

Sign up for Mens Club rototilling

The Manchester Men’s Club will be tilling gardens for donation in mid to late May. Sign up on the Mens Club FACEBOOK page, at Keith Reed Barber Shop, call John Stedman @ 231-6284, or contact your friendly local Men’s Club member.

 Marsha Chartrand

Chicken Broil pledges $20,000 to Historical Society effort

The Manchester Chicken Broil Board of Directors recently approved a generous pledge of $20,000 to the Manchester Area Historical Society’s drive to purchase and renovate the Kingsley-Jenter Home on the corner of M-52 and Main Street. Read the story of the Historical Society’s purchase here. The historical society has applied for a grant through the state, to […]

 Sara Swanson

School Board debates future of Ackerson Building

Last Monday, the school board heard the long anticipated recommendations from the building configuration committee presented by committee member Tom Mann. According to Superintendent Vannatter, the board did not vote on the recommendation and instead indicated they had additional questions and would like to continue the discussion at another meeting. As expected, the recommendation was […]

 Sara Swanson

Representative Tim Walberg holds Manchester Town Hall; says “Don’t give up on America.”

Manchester’s U.S. Congressman, Tim Walberg held a town hall Friday morning at Frank’s Place. Although he got off to a rough start, misidentifying “Manchester” as “Jackson,” he soon got his bearings and after the hour was up, he had addressed all of the questions submitted in writing from the room packed with almost forty constituents. […]

 Sara Swanson

Duncan Street Bridge plaque refurbished

As part of the Main Street bridge project, the Duncan Street Bridge, which has seen increased traffic over the past months as the only path over the river, received a bit of refurbishment itself. Its plaque, which, according to the Village manager Jeff Wallace, “had been hanging by a thread,” was almost unreadable. Village staff […]

 Sara Swanson

Math and Science Night sees huge turnout

This year’s Math and Science Night on Friday broke all previous attendance records, almost doubling last year’s attendance. Not only did it see the return of many favorites including the Critter Guy with a skink, snakes, an opossum, doves and mice, SRSLY’s pig lungs, Zumba, seed experiments, astrophotography, passion project displays, Running Rosie the Klager mascot, […]

 Sara Swanson

Area churches to pack 10,000 meals for Haiti!

On Saturday April 23, five Manchester area churches will pack rice and bean meals and send them to the people of Haiti. In collaboration with I92 Ministries of Clinton, Sharon United Methodist Church, Manchester United Methodist Church, Emanuel United Church of Christ, St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, and Zion Lutheran Church will work alongside this ministry […]