
 Sara Swanson

Freedom Township enacts 90-day fence moratorium around Pleasant Lake

If you do not live on Pleasant Lake you may not be aware of the 6-foot fence controversy. It began in December of 2014 and as of Tuesday night’s Freedom Township board meeting, it looks like it may be coming to an end. The controversy started with the construction of a non-compliant, 6-foot high, double-sided fence […]

 Sara Swanson

Special education millage to be on May 3 Ballot

In Washtenaw County approximately 6,500, or 1-in-7, students receive special education services. Students with learning disabilities, visual or hearing impairments, and students with mild to severe physical and cognitive disabilities, receive an array of educational support from public school programs and professionals. The annual countywide cost for these services is about $121 million. The current […]

 Sara Swanson

Bridge opening tentatively scheduled for first week of May

When is the Main Street’s bridge reopening? The best estimation based on all data available is that the bridge will open the first week of May. Village manager Jeff Wallace stressed that in order for the bridge to open that week, work will have to progress at the rate they expect it to. “All structural work […]

 Sara Swanson

Kiwanis students raise $5,000 to feed the hungry

Every year Kiwanis holds a Kids Against Hungry drive featuring fundraising on multiple fronts. The money raised is used to package individual shelf-safe meals that are distributed to the hungry in our region as well as around the world. The best part is that every June, Kiwanis brings in the Kids Against Hunger mobile packaging […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village meetings focus on revitalizing downtown Manchester

Two public meetings held last week at the Village offices attracted more than 40 interested community members to discuss the potential for economic development in Manchester. The first meeting, held on Monday, March 28, was a brainstorming meeting with representatives of the River Raisin Watershed Council to discuss what future development could look like on the […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC seeks August 2016 ballot initiative to fund 4 years of road repairs – but does not include Bemis Road Bridge

On Tuesday, March 1, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) unanimously approved a resolution in support of a county-wide road funding ballot initiative. The resolution requests that the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners place a four-year, 0.5-mill road millage before the voters during the August 2, 2016 primary. WCRC estimates that the initiative would improve […]

 Sara Swanson

Bus riders participate in Klager’s Walk-to-School Wednesday

Last Wednesday between 70 and 80 elementary students and adults participated in Klager’s weekly Walk-to-School Wednesday. While students who live close enough to the school to walk and students whose parents drop them off can easily participate every week, this week was special for bus riders who rarely or never have the opportunity to participate. […]

 Sara Swanson

Vintage dress available to borrow for prom

The Manchester Ladies holds a free prom dress boutique every year, providing Manchester girls an opportunity to “shop” for free for a prom dress right here in town. In addition to the 100+ current dresses available, the Ladies Society has possession of a very special vintage prom dress. Donated at the Library’s front desk last year […]

 Sara Swanson

Inspired by Near-Tragedy, Manchester Youth Spearheads Project to Save Lives

Last June 23, Manchester awoke to the news that an EF-1 tornado had touched down in Freedom Township, severely damaging several homes. While no one was injured, those who lived through it are still dealing with the emotional trauma of the event. For one eleven-year old, Abby Diuble, coming to terms with the terror of […]

 Sara Swanson

Klager Opens Up to Community Representatives on Leadership Day

Klager Elementary held its first Leadership Day last Wednesday morning, opening its doors to representatives of community organizations and governmental bodies. All of the students and staff of the school gathered in the gym while each class presented what they had learned about leadership over the course of the year through the Leader-in-Me program. Classes […]