Michigan Works! Comes to Community Resource Center to Provide Support to Manchester Job Seekers
Are you looking for a job? Job seekers with any level of experience can find help from a Michigan Works! counselor at the Manchester Community Resource Center located in the Ackerson Building at 410 City Rd in Manchester on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 9 am to 11 am. Job seekers should contact the Community Resource Center at […]
Manchester Area Applicants Sought for Healthcare Education Scholarships
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea is again providing scholarships for students interested in pursuing a career in health care. In 2016, the hospital will award five merit-based scholarships to local students in the amount of $1,000 each. To qualify, this year’s applicants must be enrolled full-time in a health care program for which certification is given […]
Building Configuration Committee Settles on Recommending Partial Closure of Ackerson
The Building Configuration Committee tasked with producing a recommendation to the school board on the best layout and use of the four school buildings, met last Tuesday, March 15, 2016. They began the meeting with 15 brainstormed proposals and narrowed them down to the 4 that they felt were the best options: Final Four Options. All […]
5 MHS Students Compete at DECA State Level Competition
DECA, which stands for Distributive Education Clubs of America, has been around 70 years. This is the third year for Manchester High School’s DECA club, which sent five students on to the state level competition. Advisor Leslie Rollins explained, “Club members began meeting in September to start preparing for the district level competition. Much of the preparation […]
Freedom Township Board Approval Means One Step Closer to Hard Cider Production at Alber’s Orchard
Mike Bossory, who along with his wife Therese, owns the historic Alber Orchard and Cider Mill on Bethel Church Road, approached the Freedom Township board on Tuesday night during its monthly meeting to seek the board’s approval of his plan to begin fermenting cider into hard cider. The township board’s approval is a requirement before applying for […]
Children’s Author Visits Klager Elementary as Part of March is Reading Month
Local area author Cynthia Furlong Reynolds, whose publications include children’s and young adult books, histories, novels, short stories and even a cookbook, spent a whole day at Klager Elementary School on Monday as part of the school’s observance of “March is Reading Month.” Reynolds spent time in different classrooms during the students’ reading instruction time in the […]
Seed Library Stocked Up, Community Garden Applications Available
It is starting to feel like gardening weather and just about time to start some peppers and tomatoes indoors. If you haven’t purchased your seeds for this growing season yet, you are in luck; the Manchester Seed Library, located at the Manchester District Library, is all stocked up with more than 400 brand new, unopened […]
The Twentieth Century Club Offers Scholarship
The Twentieth Century Club is offering a Women’s Enlightenment Scholarship Program. The scholarship’s purpose is to assist women in the community with “education to enlighten their lives.” Adult women, 25 years or older, who desire to pursue new knowledge or pursue a new skill are encouraged to apply. Applications can be found at the Community […]
School Board Votes to Purchase Land from the United Methodist Church for New Ticket Booth
In a special School Board meeting Wednesday night, the School Board voted in favor of purchasing a 3/4 acre parcel of land from the Manchester United Methodist Church for $10,000 in addition to closing costs and survey. Pending approval from the Village and a Title search, the Athletic Boosters plan to build a new ticket booth on the newly […]
Election Results for Manchester, Freedom, Bridgewater & Sharon Townships
Last Tuesday’s election saw record turnout state-wide for a Michigan presidential primary. The Manchester area was no exception, with on average twice the turnout of the 2012 primary: Manchester Village had 711 voters or 40.31% of registered voters, up from 19.5% in 2012. Manchester Township had 853 voters or 42.48% of registered voters, up from 21.37% […]