Kiwanis Seeks Volunteers & Donations for Crazy Cash/ Tickets Still Available!
Kiwanis is seeking help to help make its 2016 Crazy Ca$h, coming up on the evening of Saturday, March 5, 2016 a success. It will take 90 volunteers to run this event, which has raised more than $250,000 for organizations in Manchester over the last 16 years, and that mean helps from all over the community. There will […]
Kiwanis & Key Club Requesting Donations of Travel-Sized Toiletries
Manchester Kiwanis and Key Club are working together this month to create blessing bags. Blessing bags are small bags filled with travel size toiletries given to the homeless. They are looking for donations of any new/unused toiletries including hotel shampoos, lotions & soaps. Other possible items include socks, small packets of tissues, hand sanitizer, chapstick, […]
Organizations Needed to Adopt Stretches of County Roads
Do you have a favorite stretch of a paved county road here in the Manchester area? Now you and your organization can adopt it! The Washtenaw County Road Commission has announced the 2016 Adopt-A-County-Road Program and put out a call for volunteers to help keep Washtenaw County’s roadsides attractive for residents and visitors. Organizations who […]
MHS Students Develop & Implement MLK Day Curriculums at Middle School and High School
Last Monday, the nation observed Martin Luther King Day (MLK Day)–a federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., a leader of the Civil Rights Movement who was assassinated in 1968. While many school districts close in observance of MLK Day, Manchester Community Schools chose to remain in session a half day and […]
Declining Birth-Rates Hurt School Budget; School Board Forms Committee to Study Cost Reduction Options
The Manchester Community School District is facing budgetary problems. A large portion of the budget is the amount of revenue the district receives from the state, per student enrolled. As enrollment figures decline, revenue declines. (Of course, the state is also sending MCS fewer dollars per-student, which exacerbates the problem. We got about $7,500 per […]
Manchester Quilter to be Featured at International Show
Necessity, as they say, may well be the mother of invention. Manchester resident Rossie Hutchinson, an intern and assistant at the Manchester Community Resource Center, says she got started in quilting because, “I couldn’t afford to buy the sort of thing I liked, but I could afford to make it!” Rossie’s mother taught her to sew when […]
Ladies Society Collecting Prom Dresses for Upcoming Boutique
The Manchester Ladies Society will be holding their third annual “Free Prom Dress Boutique” on March 4th and 5th, 2016. Once again, girls will be able to come browse, try-on, and leave with a dress for free but in a new location this year. The dress shop is moving to the Manchester High School and will be […]
Manchester Boasts Lowest Percentage of Adult Smokers in County
Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the state. While approximately 21% of Michigan adults currently smoke cigarettes, that percentage drops to 15% of adults in Washtenaw County. There have never been separate numbers for Manchester but due to the specific sampling procedures of the 2015 HIP Survey, for the first time […]
Manchester Community Schools Recognizes School Board Members
January is School Board Recognition Month and Manchester Community Schools is joining 541 local and 56 intermediate school districts across the state to thank these community volunteers for their untiring dedication to public education. The men and women serving Manchester Community Schools (and their years of service) are: Chris Fegan (9), Lyndon Uphaus (15.5), Sheryl […]
Want to Vote in the Presidential Primary? Here is What You Need to Know
The Presidential Primary election will happen on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 and if you are planning to vote in it, there are a few things you need to know. First, Michigan is having a closed primary. In previous primaries, all voters were given the same ballot which contained candidates from all parties. Voters selected in which party’s […]