Manchester Family Service Christmas Shop Adoption Program and Gift Giving
The Manchester Family Service will hold its annual CHRISTMAS SHOP from 9am to noon on Saturday, Dec. 19 at the St. Mary Parish Center, 110 E. Madison St., Manchester. At the “shop,” many families and individuals in our community who are assisted by MFS will receive gifts and items of food and clothing. There are […]
First MCSF Family Trivia Night Raises Almost $2,000
On Saturday, November 7th the Manchester Community Schools Foundation hosted its first Family Trivia Night at Freedom Township Hall. Seven teams competed with the “Sparklers” pulling out a last minute victory due to the Enzer/Kush family’s flawless knowledge of literary characters and their corresponding books. Those in attendance said they had a great time. The event, […]
Deficit to be Discussed at School Board Meeting TONIGHT
The auditing firm of Yeo and Yeo will present its audit of the finances for 2014/15 school year at the school board meeting at 6pm tonight, November 16, 2015. Board meetings are held in the Ackerson Building at 410 City Road and are open to the public. See our June article for more information on the deficit. […]
New Option for Paying Village of Manchester Bills
According to a “news” brief on the Village of Manchester website, the village is now able to accept payment for bills – including their water bill – from residents who prefer to use their credit card or direct payment through their checking or savings account. This is an option that has been a long time […]
SRSLY Launches Video to Recruit Youth and Adults
“SRSLY is fun. SRSLY is a family. SRSLY is working. Join us. SRSLY!” is the message of the new SRSLY recruitment video which features seventeen SRSLY volunteers from Manchester, Stockbridge, Dexter, and Chelsea. Filmed during the last week of summer vacation, the new video explains how SRSLY started, what the coalitions are working on, and […]
Village Releases Official Bridge Update
The following is an update as of November 5, 2015 on the Main Street Bridge project in the Village of Manchester. Final plans were put out to bid and approved by MDOT for construction in early summer 2015 with the project completion date set to be mid-December. With this schedule, the bridge would not be starting under […]
Local Help Available when Applying for State Program Aiding Homeowners Facing Foreclosure
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) will close its “Step Forward Michigan” foreclosure prevention program website to new applicants on December 31, 2015. This important program helps people stay in their home when faced with foreclosure from unpaid property taxes. All homeowners in need of assistance must register HERE by December 31, 2015 and […]
Co-Op Preschool Holds Annual Trick-or-Treat
The three and four-year-old classes from Manchester Cooperative Preschool enjoyed their annual trick-or-treat journey through downtown on Thursday and Friday of last week. On Thursday, Ms. Brandi Bennett’s three-year-olds accompanied by their parents, first participated in this co-op tradition. On Friday, four-year-olds guided by Ms. Shelby Chartrand and a group of parent helpers and siblings, visited many of […]
Council to be Updated on Bridge Delays Tonight
With progress on the Main Street Bridge slowing in recent weeks, the Manchester Village Council will meet with engineers from AECOM at tonight’s meeting. AECOM is on the agenda to update the Council and village administration on schedule delays due to a variety of causes, primarily the sub-contractor Anlaan taking much longer to complete the […]
Nominees Announced for CRC Volunteer Recognition Banquet
This Friday, Nov. 6th, Manchester organizations will be coming together for the 28th year in a row to honor their top volunteers at the annual Community Resource Center Volunteer Recognition Banquet. Each nominee will receive a certificate recognizing them on behalf of their organization. This year 18 organizations are recognizing a volunteer. Organizations and volunteers include: […]