
 Marsha Chartrand

Bridge Work to Step Up this Week

Work on the Main Street Bridge has been ongoing since its closure in early August but residents and businesses in the downtown area may notice increased activity in the coming week. At Monday night’s meeting, Village Manager Jeff Wallace informed the council that the Anlaan Corporation, sub-contractors that are doing the micropile work, have experienced some […]

 Sara Swanson

Parade Canceled, but Christmas In The Village is Still Set for Dec. 5th

A representative of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Denise Collins, announced last week that the Christmas in the Village lighted Friday night parade planned for Friday, December the 4th has been canceled. Collins stated that the parade was canceled in part due to safety concerns with the bridge construction and resulting detour, but that they […]

 Sara Swanson

And the Winner is… Results of the Scarecrow Contest

You may have noticed creative, themed scarecrows of all sorts attached to light posts around the Village this week. The Manchester Village Scarecrow contest organized by Manchester Kiwanis, Manchester Community Schools and the Manchester Chamber of Commerce had 18 entries by youth organizations and school-age individuals. Entrants included MHS German Club, MHS Key Club, MHS SRSLY, […]

 Sara Swanson

Klager Participates in International Walk to School Day

Last Wednesday, October 7th, about 40 Klager Elementary students and lots of parents were joined by teachers, the principal, Village Council members, the Village manager, community members and some of the Manchester High School Marching Band with their instruments for a walk up Ann Arbor Hill Road from Chi Bro Park to Klager. The band […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester High School Band to be Featured in Episode of WKAR’s Forte

The Manchester High School Band, led by their director Jared Throneberry, will be featured on an upcoming episode of Forte on WKAR Network. Forte, a WKAR original series, features inspiring stories of Michigan high school musicians. The episode featuring Manchester will air at 5:30 pm on Saturday, October 17th on WKAR-HD (23.1). A special radio […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Families Volunteer at Buddy Walk

Submitted by Lynnelle A. Tans Celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month every October is a family tradition for the Taylor and Herron families. On September 27, both families volunteered at the Down Syndrome Support Team’s 11th Annual Buddy Walk at Gallup Park in Ann Arbor. They were two of at least seven Manchester families who participated […]

 Sara Swanson

Girl Scouts Present Fire Department with Cookies

Last Wednesday, 9 Girl Scouts from three different troops paid a visit to the Manchester Township Fire Department’s monthly meeting to present them with 36 boxes of Girl Scout cookies and a bag of thin mint coffee. As part of the Hometown Heroes program, the Girl Scouts collected donations at the bank. They then voted on […]

 Sara Swanson

Chelsea Area-Wellness Foundation Renamed 5 Healthy Towns Foundation

At the August Board of Directors meeting, the Chelsea-Area Wellness Foundation’s Board of Directors approved a name and logo change for the Foundation. The Foundation is now the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation (5HF). According to their spokesperson, the name change will better match their purpose, which is to create healthy communities in Chelsea, Dexter, Grass […]

 Sara Swanson

Kiwanis Accepting Applications for Crazy Crash Grants

The 17th annual Kiwanis Crazy Ca$h Night will be held March 5, 2016. All proceeds from this fund-raising event will be given back to the community in the form of grants to non-profits. Local non-profit organizations wishing to receive a portion of these funds must apply in writing by October 31st. Applications can be downloaded […]

 Sara Swanson

Lion’s Club Refurbishes Pumpkin Bowling Alley in Preparation for Halloween

The Manchester Lions Club is ready for another season of Pumpkin Bowling, this year with a freshly painted “bowling alley,” new pins and as always, a HUGE stuffed animal to give away. Pumpkin Bowling originated five years ago, when after years of volunteering to make caramel apples on the Mill Porch, the Manchester Lions decided there […]