
 Marsha Chartrand

Food Pantry lists items needed to “Feed the 5,000”

Several local congregations are working on a special mission focus for the upcoming season of Lent, called “Feeding the 5,000.” The Manchester Community Resource Center CRC) Food Pantry is but one of the recipient organizations for this project and CRC Director Laura Seyfried has kindly provided a list of some of the most needed and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Conservation Awards Presented to Two Local Farms

Blumenauer Farms of Sharon Township was presented with the 2014 “Walter Wolfgang Memorial” Conservation Farmer of the Year Award in front of a crowd of 122 people at the 67th annual meeting of the County Conservation District, held January 15 at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds. The “Wolfgang Memorial” Award is presented to farmers who […]

 News News

Manchester Area Can Support 50,000+ SqFt Additional Retail Space

On December 22, at the regular Downtown Development Authority (DDA) meeting, Bob Gibbs of Gibbs Planning Group presented his Retail Market Analysis for the Village of Manchester.  The results are pretty amazing, incredibly optimistic, and frankly, left everyone in the room in awe and questioning the validity of his analysis.  Could it really be true? […]

 Fritz Swanson

Scouting for Food Triples Their Donations in December Food Drive

Manchester’s generosity has topped itself again this year. For years Cub Scout Pack 421 has been collecting donations for the Manchester Family Services Christmas Shop. Braving the cold December weather, the Scouts set up collection stations outside of the Manchester Market and Dollar General. In the past, the scouts went door to door, but this year, with […]

 Fritz Swanson

Winter has Finally Arrived!

After a warmer than average December that saw mostly above freezing temperatures and virtually no snow, we have finally caught winter’s gaze. We saw an ice storm coat the region on Saturday, snow covered the ice on Sunday, and the forecast for the upcoming week predicts below freezing temperatures every single day. The weather channel […]

 Fritz Swanson

Pick Up Your Christmas Eve Luminary this Tuesday and Wednesday

The Manchester Luminaria is entering its 35th year. The Lions Club will be selling Luminaria bags from the vacant building on the Northwestern corner of Main Street and M-52 (most recently Riverside Consignment). Barry Allen of the Lions Club says: “Pick up your Christmas Eve Luminary at the old Consignment Shop. Open Tuesday 3 to 7 […]

 News News

Launch Ministries Coming to Manchester

A new church is coming to Manchester. Pastor Laurie Downs is bringing Launch Ministries to the Manchester Professional Center (behind Dr. Eccles office on West Main St.) to hold meetings and be the headquarters for the ministry. The church was started in 2002 and has affiliations with the Evangelical Association of Churches and Ministries as well […]

 Ray Berg

Manchester Wellness Coalition Seeks Community Input

The Manchester Wellness Coalition, a group of local volunteers working with the Chelsea-Area Wellness Foundation (CWF), is developing its Year 4 plan of community programs and infrastructure to improve the health and wellness of Manchester-area residents. We are looking for your input on what the community could use and should plan for in our wellness […]

 Fritz Swanson

Washtenaw County Conservation District to Recognize Two Local Farmers at Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Washtenaw County Conservation District will recognize the conservation work of two local Manchester Area farmers. The Conservation District’s 67th Annual Meeting, will be held Thursday, January 15, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the Washtenaw County Farm Council Grounds, 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road.  The public is welcome to attend. The “Walter Wolfgang Memorial” Conservation Farmer of […]

 Sara Swanson

Breaking News: Burglary of Manchester Pharmacy (Updated)

Update from Marsha Chartrand:   In a small community like Manchester, residents don’t expect to wake up on a Monday morning and hear of a burglary at a local store. But that’s what happened when the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office announced a break-in and robbery at the Manchester Pharmacy in the early morning hours of […]