
 Sara Swanson

New Countywide Dog Licensing Procedure

The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners recently approved a civil infraction ordinance that requires all dogs be licensed.   Prior to this new ordinance, having an unlicensed dog was a misdemeanor offense. Creating a civil infraction, which includes a fine only if the dog remains unlicensed, decriminalized this offense. However, the county also announced that enforcement […]

 Fritz Swanson

Austin Road Construction Starts Today – What You Need to Know to Plan Your Commute

The Washtenaw County Road Commission will begin work on Austin Road this Monday, September 22nd. (You can check out their website for the basics.) The project includes a series of safety upgrades and will continue into November. According to the WCRC, the project will extend two culverts in order to provide proper ditch slopes and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Sewer Update Project to Begin This Week

Village residents received a rather surprising message late last week, advising them of a “televising and cleaning” program of the sewer system throughout the village through the end of October. The notes taped to the door indicated that the ensuing process might cause the water to gurgle in the toilet bowl, and even suggested keeping […]

 News News

Young Guns vs. Sheriff’s Department

On Saturday, August 30, 2014, the Manchester Young Guns challenged the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department to a Trap Shoot, a first for the Manchester Sportsman Club. Manchester fielded two squads (maroon and yellow) of five each to compete against the sheriff’s department. The Manchester teams were squadded to make them equally competitive and shooting position […]

 Sara Swanson

WCCD Announces New On-Line Hunter Education Class Option

The Washtenaw County Conservation District and the Department of Natural Resources has announced that a third official Michigan online hunter education course is now available HERE. A Michigan-based company, Hunter Ed Course offers its online hunter education course for $17.99. The course features lessons on safe, legal, and responsible hunting practices and uses narration, closed […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Schools to Vaccinate Students Against Flu – You Can Get the Flu Shot too!

It may seem early to be thinking about flu season, but the Manchester Public School is looking ahead and this week they will be partnering with an organization called “Health Heroes” to vaccinate as much of the student population as possible at no cost to families or the schools. The clinics will be held at […]

 Fritz Swanson

Historic Washington Cherry Tree Uprooted by Storm

Last Friday’s storm knocked out power to 700 Clinton residents and cut off Comcast internet service to village residents for five days (the internet outage also prevented this paper from being published). In addition to the loads of damage around the Manchester area, the storm also claimed an historic victim: a cherry tree planted to honor […]

 Sara Swanson

Treasurer Carey Reminds Township Residents that Summer Taxes are Due TODAY!

Manchester Township treasurer Laurie Carey reminds residents that today, Monday, September 15, is the last day to pay summer taxes before interest and penalties are added. “Although we will continue to collect them in the office or by mail after Tuesday (9/16) there will be additional charges. Monday 9/15 is the last day that payments can […]

 Sara Swanson

MDL Celebrates Library Card Sign-Up Month with Kindle Fire Drawing

Manchester District Library is celebrating Library Card Sign-up Month this September, along with the American Library Association and public libraries nationwide. Throughout the month, everyone who signs up for a new library card will be entered into a drawing to win a Kindle Fire. To obtain your new library card, visit the library at 912 City Road. Anyone under 18 […]

 Fritz Swanson

Fill out Survey about Reducing Underage Drinking, Enter Raffle for $100

Manchester Voices seeks to gather survey data from Manchester community members who are 21 years of age and older. Citizens are invited to take a short survey about local efforts to reduce underage drinking. Upon completing the survey participants are offered a chance to enter a raffle for a $100 gift certificate to the Manchester Market. Link to […]