
 Marsha Chartrand

Emanuel Steeple Project on Schedule

Those who have watched the Emanuel Church steeple with interest this summer may have noticed an apparent delay over the past few weeks. After much activity in early summer, with the removal of an old steeple and then, a few weeks later, a new structure put into place, there has been another interval while no […]

 Fritz Swanson

Baseball Dugout Flattened, Power Outages Experienced as a Result of Tuesday’s Strong Storms

On Tuesday, Aug. 19, the Manchester area experienced strong thunderstorms and high wind.  A local weather station measured the strongest gust at 32 mph.  Thunderstorms and high winds occur when cool, dry air runs into warm, wet air.  As the two begin to move around each other and collide the motion causes all the rain […]

 Sara Swanson

School District Releases Overview of What’s New for the Upcoming School Year

The Manchester School District’s vision is to provide educational excellence in a caring community, and this year’s school improvement goals will help them do just that. According to Superintendent Cherie Vannatter, the schools will strive to improve literacy, mathematical skills, and critical thinking through the use of 21st century teaching and learning. In addition, Manchester […]

 News News

New Dance Studio Comes to Manchester

There will be a new dance studio in town opening in September.  For months now Anya Novesky has been looking for a space to open her new dance studio “Dance with Heart Studios” and after checking out various surrounding communities, she fell in love with Manchester.  She will be moving into the former Unforgettable Photos […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village Takes Steps Toward New Bridge Construction

A positive election outcome and a prepared administration are paving the way for the new Main Street Bridge to begin construction activity as soon as March 2015. “We signed the program application providing the state with the necessary information on the existing bridge and soil sampling on the Thursday after the election,” said Village Manager […]

 Fritz Swanson

Sharon Township Hall Being Renovated Over Next Three Months

Major renovations are happening right now at the Sharon Township Hall. After nearly 100 years of service, every aspect of the hall is being improved. The exterior of the hall was refurbished earlier in the summer. Using a $19.135.00 Polling Place Improvement Grant from the State of the Michigan, the entrance and parking lot were improved to […]

 Fritz Swanson

School Bond Vote Certified, Passed By One Vote

Because of the one vote margin of victory for last week’s School Bond election, many residents have wondered if the victory would pass the final certification step. It has. As of this past Tuesday, August 12th, all of the electoral results from the August 5th primary election have been certified. (You can view all of […]

 Sara Swanson

Black Sheep Festival—Farm Fun Came to the Village Thursday

Even the sheep had a baaaaaahlast at the Black Sheep Festival on Thursday. From 4pm to 7pm in conjunction with the farmers market, Manchester celebrated it’s sheep farming past and it’s agricultural present. Ruth VanBogelen, one of the event organizers, explained the importance of Manchester’s sheep farming heritage, “for many years (even as late as the 1970’s), Washenaw […]

 Sara Swanson

2014 Community Read Book is Here!

by Anne Buckalew Manchester District Library, along with other local libraries and 5 Healthy Communities, is participating in the 2014 Community Read. The Library is giving away free copies of The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. You can get your own copy at the library (no library card required) and businesses around town. Read the […]

 Fritz Swanson

Local Election Results; School Bond Passes with SINGLE VOTE

Many things were on the ballot yesterday, and for all the details, please check out the county election results page. Washtenaw County Election Results But for those issues close to home, we can report the results simply enough. Laurie Carey retains her seat as Manchester Township Treasurer; Freedom Township will remain in the Manchester Library District […]