
 News News

Manchester joins the Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad Program

Friday night, Klager Elementary held an informational meeting for parents of 3rd-5th graders who may be interested in a new Science Olympiad program. Manchester Schools is one of the seven new districts who have joined the Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad (WESO) program this year. Lynn Miller is the head coach for Manchester.  Lynn indicated that […]

 News News

Manchester Community Schools Host Wellness Event for Employees

On Thursday, January 16, all Manchester Community School employees were invited to attend a Worksite Wellness event promoting healthy programs and events. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms what now seems to be common knowledge: healthier employees are more productive. Workplace health programs are a way for employers to proactively improve productivity. […]

 Sara Swanson

Friends of the Library Planning for Millage Renewal and Halloween

The Manchester Friends of the Library group met Wednesday night with James Miller, the library director, and Matthew Cook, a library trustee, to begin planning for this fall’s library millage renewal. The millage renewal, which is not a tax increase, will determine whether the library stays open or closes permanently. The millage renewal will be […]

 News News

The Week in Review: Recap on the Bus Scandal

There has been a lot of speculation on Facebook and in conversations around the village regarding the bus vandalism that occurred during the evening of January 8th. Some information was intentionally withheld during the investigation and some information, such as the identification of the juveniles, will forever be officially withheld. Regardless, due to the fast […]

 News News

Caught! Juveniles Confess to Bus Vandalism

A very brief e-mail from the Washtenaw County Sheriff Office this morning indicated that deputies interviewed two (2) suspects and received full confessions.  Both of the individuals are juveniles—so they will not be releasing their names at this time. Ultimately, it will be up to the prosecutor’s office what the charges will be and how […]

 News News

Update on Bus Vandalism

As many of you already know, the school’s bus yard was vandalized during the night.  The actions directly caused the schools to be canceled for today, extending the holiday break a day longer.  The Mirror has contacted Cherie Vannatter, the school’s superintendent and also the Sheriff’s Department for updates and the following  information was received:   […]

 News News

Manchester Schools Closed Again Today

As reported on the district website, there is no school today due to bus vandalism.

 News News

Manchester Schools Closed on Wednesday


 News News

Village of Manchester Updates – Trash Pickup Delayed

Just a few short updates to share from the Village administration: 1.  Trash pickup this week in the village will be delayed one day due to inclement weather.  This week’s pickup will be on Thursday. 2.  For residents who live in downtown apartments and are concerned about where to park while the crews are plowing, […]

 News News

Manchester Schools Closed on Tuesday

 The district website has just been updated to confirm that Manchester Schools are listed as closed for Tuesday.  School closing information is also found at WDIV school closings.