
 Marsha Chartrand

Jr/Sr High School principal Wendy Bridges resigns

by Marsha Chartrand In another surprise for the Manchester Community Schools district, on February 28 Superintendent Dr. Brad Bezeau, who announced his own resignation in early February and will complete his term in June, sent MCS families a letter sharing another resignation from the administrative team. The letter stated, “This week at the Lincoln Consolidated […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Water main valves to be upgraded this spring

by Marsha Chartrand “We don’t have any real serious problems yet — but we want to upgrade things to make our jobs easier before any potential problems get bigger,” said DPW Superintendent Brent Jones while explaining the planned updates to the water main valves within the City of Manchester. He added that many mains and […]

 Sara Swanson

CRC’s wooden nickel program receives funding for 2025 season

submitted by Carol Wotring, Community Resource Center  The Community Resource Center (CRC) is pleased to announce it has received a $746 grant from the Manchester Wellness Coalition to continue its successful wooden nickel program at the Manchester Farmers Market this May. The program, funded through the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, helps make fresh, local produce […]

 Sara Swanson

Shakespeare Club meets Rosa Bonheur

submitted by Joan Gaughan, Shakespeare Club Many of the paintings of animals with which we are familiar, as well as the famous portrait of Buffalo Bill Cody shown here, came from the brush of a woman who, although she has now dropped into obscurity, was at one time the most famous painter in the world. […]

 Sara Swanson

School Board holding meeting to choose superintendent search firm

submitted by Sandra Wiitala, Manchester Community Schools Board of Education The Manchester Community Schools Board of Education will hold a specially called meeting Monday, March 3, at 5:30pm in the Jr/Sr High School at 5:30. The purpose of this meeting is to hear presentations given by firms offering superintendent search services. Presentations will be given […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WAVE requests additional funding

by Marsha Chartrand Funding is always a concern for transportation programs in the western Washtenaw area, but with recent federal and state cuts coming ever closer to home, the Western Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE) finds itself even further in jeopardy as they face the coming year. Marie Gress, executive director of WAVE, visited the […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Canoe/Kayak Race is in need of new organizers

submitted by Manchester First Robotics Teams #6081 and #11193 When Manchester Kiwanis dissolved, a small group continued to meet to organize the Manchester Canoe/Kayak Race (many still volunteer the day of the event). A few years ago, that group began looking for a younger group to take over organizing the race with new energy. The […]

 Marsha Chartrand

City negotiating with garbage and recycling companies for five-year contract

by Marsha Chartrand If the City of Manchester manages to pull off a new garbage and recycling contract, Manchester residents may want to stockpile their pennies to pay the extra cost. Sealed bids were opened at 4pm last Thursday with Clerk Brittany Kuhnle, Manager Michael Sessions, and representatives from LRS in Jackson, Stevens Disposal from […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Seniors are “showered” with kitchen gifts for new center

Seniors are “showered” with kitchen gifts for new center

by Marsha Chartrand It was a lively and happy day at Manchester United Methodist Church on Saturday as the church threw a kitchen shower for the Manchester Area Senior Citizens to have equipment to start up their new center in April! The MUMC has already provided much support to the seniors as their lunch program […]

 Sara Swanson

MUMC launches daylight grief group in Manchester

submitted by Rev. Susan Hitts, Manchester United Methodist Church A grief group has recently launched at Manchester United Methodist Church. The group will gather from 11am to 12:30pm on the first and third Wednesdays of the month in the library room of the Manchester United Methodist Church. Sometimes people define grief as the response to […]