
 Sara Swanson

Sharon Township sees change in supervisor

by Sara Swanson Peter Psarouthakis, supervisor of Sharon Township, has submitted an official letter of resignation as he is moving out of the township. His last day was June 30. Kathy Spiegel was voted in as the new Sharon Township Supervisor effective July 1. Spiegel had been serving as Planning Commission Chair, navigating the Stoneco […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Fairy Festival a success despite weather!

Manchester Fairy Festival a success despite weather!

submitted by Laura Wohlgemuth  The Manchester Fairy Festival on Thursday, June 29, was originally scheduled to take place at the Manchester Farmers’ Market, but two separate meteorological events kept that from happening this year. First, the event had to be rescheduled due to thunderstorms with a chance of hail, and then, very unhealthy air quality […]

 Sara Swanson

Roadwork this week in the Manchester area

There will be road work this week in Manchester and Sharon Townships. In Manchester Township, Herman Rd between Sharon Hollow Rd and Deer Valley Rd will have intermittent lane restrictions for forestry through July 13. In addition, there will be intermittent lane restrictions township-wide this week for roadside mowing. In Sharon Township, Meyers Rd between […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Men’s Club planning for another great fireworks show, July 3

by Marsha Chartrand For the 41st year the Manchester Men’s Club will host the annual Independence Day fireworks on July 3 (with a rain date of July 4) at Carr Park in Manchester. “We are shooting $15,000 total this year, which will be comparable to previous years with the increased cost in fireworks,” said the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Farmers’ Market starts off small but growing each week

by Marsha Chartrand “We’ve been doing okay but would definitely love to see more customers!” said Dana Turner-Queen, market manager for the Manchester Farmers’ Market. An experienced manager, Turner-Queen has worked at Saline and Dexter markets, as well as a couple of stints at the Acorn Farmers’ Market and Café. She loves her jobs and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

The Manchester Chicken Broil … from the beginning

by Marsha Chartrand The Manchester Enterprise, dateline Thursday, June 24, 1954: “The Exchange Club has planned functions to benefit the Athletic Field Fence Fund, which include a huge barbecue chicken dinner.” The Exchange Club and the Jaycees (the latter formed earlier in that same year) were said to be jointly sponsoring the Chicken Barbecue. So begins the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO: May 2023 report of police services in the village

As reported by Alan Hunt, Lieutenant, WCSO During the month of May 2023 there were 205 calls for service. During this time, 96 traffic stops were made, resulting in 38 citations. One noteworthy event in Manchester Village during the month included: May 14: A collaboration deputy responded to the 100 block of Hibbard Street for […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC roadwork in Manchester area extended

Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will continue doing roadwork in the Manchester area in the coming week. In Sharon Township, Meyers Rd between Bethel Church Rd and Pleasant Lake Rd will have intermittent lane restrictions through June 29 (extended) for drainage and forestry. Unpaved primary and local roads will have intermittent lane restrictions for dust […]

 Sara Swanson

Alumni Association awards scholarships

submitted by Betty Cummings The Manchester High School Alumni Association held its 144th annual reunion at Manchester High School on Saturday, June 17. During the evening of reminiscing, $16,000 in scholarships were given to 12 high school graduates.

 Marsha Chartrand

Staff and administration look back on a good year, forward to more teamwork

by Marsha Chartrand A chaotic 2021-22 school year that damaged morale and public relations, marked a low point for Manchester Community Schools, especially the Junior/Senior High School. Staff, administrators, and students left the district at an alarming rate amid dissension about masking, disciplinary actions, parental responsibility, and other issues. School board and administration stepped in […]

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