Environmental incentives to conservation easements: Residents learn about land management & preservation
by Sara Swanson While “natural areas” can be hard to pin a definition to, a perennial topic of discussion is how to preserve them. Along with agricultural land, our natural areas are what give the Manchester area its rural character. What can you do? Preventing pollution, erosion, and loss of habitat (to name a few […]
Community comes together to provide adaptive toys for Early Childhood Special Ed class
submitted by Theresa Herron, speech-language pathologist, Manchester Community Schools I knew there are options out there, we just needed to brainstorm a way to get them! Some kids need extra support to help them access toys — they have fine motor delays, or social communication deficits caused by autism, or other developmental delays that make […]
Manchester Township board hears of county plans
by Sybil Kolon All board members except John Seefeld and Krista Jarvis were present at the February 14 township board meeting. Also present were fire chief Bill Scully, assistant fire chief Mike Kouba, county commissioner Shannon Beeman, and a few other members of the public. Scully provided the monthly report for January. There were 48 […]
The Shakespeare Club greets the New Year
submitted by Joan Gaughan, The Shakespeare Club The Shakespeare Club’s first meeting of 2023 on January 10 featured a PowerPoint presentation by Betty Cummings on Michigan’s seventeenth governor, Charles Croswell. He was born in Newburgh, New York, in 1825, orphaned at the age of 7, and, with his uncle, moved to Adrian, Michigan, in 1837, […]
Library cooperative brings a little love to MDL staff!
Submitted by Manchester District Library Manchester District Library Director Kathleen Dimond said, “It was a nice surprise on Valentine’s Day to have The Library Network (TLN) visit our library and bring book bags and pens!“ TLN’s Steven K. Bowers, Executive Director, and DJ Bond, Member Engagement Coordinator, enjoyed making their rounds as they made connections […]
Reduce home water use, protect waterways from runoff with rain barrels from WCCD
submitted by Dru Mark-Wilson, Washtenaw County Conservation District Outreach coordinator The Washtenaw County Conservation District’s (WCCD) Rain Barrels & Supplies sales have returned in 2023. The WCCD offers rain barrels, composters, and related supplies available to the public to purchase for water catchment systems and composting systems. These supplies promote systems that encourage conservation of […]
New flexible seating offers options for first graders
by Marsha Chartrand What’s worse than a wiggly class of first graders who are stuck sitting in straight-back chairs? Probably a classroom with a majority (14, to be exact) of wiggly little boys who are stuck sitting in straight-back chairs! That’s what new first-grade teacher Ms. Deidre LaPointe was faced with during her first weeks […]
MCS hires John Wilkins as new Athletic Director
by Sara Swanson Superintendent Dr. Brad Bezeau announced last week the hiring of a new athletic director. He stated, “The Manchester Community Schools proudly announces the hiring of John Wilkins as our new Athletic Director. John was approved to be the new Athletic Director and Dean of Students at Manchester Jr./Sr. High School at the […]
Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?
by Marsha Chartrand For all the fans of Girl Scout cookies, there is good news! Girl Scout Cookie sales have started in the Manchester area as of this weekend. Have you been dreaming about the creamy chocolate, peanut butter, and crunchy cookie of the Tagalongs or the cool burst of mint combined with smooth chocolate […]
5 Healthy Towns Foundation launches Working Well
submitted by Matt Pegouskie, 5 Healthy Towns Foundation If you are an employer in the 5 Healthy Towns region, you are invited to take advantage of Working Well, a new no-cost initiative to promote workplace well-being and create a culture of wellness at your organization. “Employment and health are inextricably interconnected,” says Steve Petty, 5HF […]