
 Marsha Chartrand

Disc golf course making progress

A workday last weekend helped get construction of the new disc golf course well underway at Chi-Bro Park. With concrete donated by Gotts Transit Mix, volunteers Jack Rathburn, Frank Mayfield, Mark Dresch, Alec Parker, Mike Ahrens, Garrett Olmstead, and Tom Pierce got to work and poured concrete for all the pads for the new course, […]

 Sara Swanson

Volunteers needed for 69th Chicken Broil

Community Resource Center board member Anita Herman will be highlighting different Manchester nonprofits monthly for the Mirror. This month is the Chicken Broil and its need for volunteers!  by Anita Herman As indicated by Jeff Mann (co-chair), it takes several hundred volunteers to generate the Annual Manchester Chicken Broil. Many of these helping hands have already […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Multiple properties conserved, protecting water quality within River Raisin watershed

submitted by Legacy Land Conservancy Legacy Land Conservancy has permanently protected 90 acres of forest, prairie and wetlands, including 3,850 feet of frontage along the River Raisin, in western Washtenaw County. In a unique joint effort of three different sets of landowners — John and Carol McCullough, Byron and Freida McCullough, and David and Jennifer […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Latest updates regarding Paul Whelan from the Whelan family

It has been just over two months since American Trevor Reed was rescued from Russia after 985 days in captivity. It has been 1,284 days since Paul Whelan was falsely imprisoned under similar pretenses as Reed’s. And there he remains. “As glad as we are for his family, we were also devastated that our brother […]

 Sara Swanson

Recycling partnership working to improve residential recycling in Manchester Township

submitted by Shawn Personke, Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority (WWRA) has joined the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE), The Recycling Partnership, a nonprofit organization that works with communities, companies, and governments to transform recycling, and nearly 100 other Michigan communities to help residents recycle more, better. Starting in […]

 Sara Swanson

2022 Men’s Club Firework display a success! (photos)

Thank you, Manchester Men’s Club, for another spectacular annual Independence Day fireworks show last night. If you watched from somewhere other than Carr Park or missed donating a the gate, you can mail a donation to MANCHESTER MEN’S CLUB, P.O. Box 171, Manchester, MI 48158. All donations collected will go towards next year’s fireworks!

 Sara Swanson

Community Resource Center: pop-up pantries, flu-shot clinic, and more!

submitted by Tamara Denby, Community Resource Center There’s a lot going on with the Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) lately! First, for those who aren’t familiar with the organization, the CRC is our food-bank-slash-community center and has been going strong in Manchester for nearly 35 years, assisting about 50 households each month. The CRC provides […]

 Sara Swanson

Senior Project Fresh coming to Acorn

submitted by Theresa Herron, Acorn Farmers Market & Café This year, Acorn Farmers Market & Cafe will be participating in the Senior Market Fresh program, funded by the USDA Farm Bill and administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Seniors who qualify will receive a coupon booklet they can redeem at Acorn […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC roadwork this week

Unpaved local roads throughout Manchester and Sharon Townships have a roadside mowing rolling operation this week. In addition, Sharon Township will also have a dust control rolling operation on unpaved roads throughout the township starting Tuesday and running through July 18.

 Sara Swanson

First Washtenaw County household connected as a result of county’s broadband infrastructure investment

In September 2021, the Board of Commissioners approved a historic investment for Washtenaw County using County general funds and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to become one of the first counties in the state to create a path for every household to access high-speed broadband internet. Last week, the first Washtenaw County household was […]

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