
 Sara Swanson

More information on avian flu in Washtenaw

The Washtenaw County Health Department has shared more information on the avian influenza (HPAI) detected in Washtenaw County last week. They shared a press release from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) stating that the case in Washtenaw was detected in domestic parrots at a residential location. The press release stated that […]

 Sara Swanson

Road work this week

Submitted by Washtenaw County Road Commission The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) is continuing road work this week in Sharon Township. Pleasant Lake Road between Sharon Hollow Rd and Smythe Rd will see daytime road closures for drainage improvements and road resurfacing. The work is scheduled to be completed by this Friday, April 29th. However, all […]

 Marsha Chartrand

The Twentieth Century Club continues on its mission

submitted by Diane DuRussel, The Twentieth Century Club At the turn of the 19th century, many small groups of women formed clubs to become better acquainted with the civic problems of the town, state, and nation. One such group chose the name The Twentieth Century Club, which became an institution around Manchester. One of their […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Township discusses moving recycling bins

submitted by Sybil Kolon All board members were present at the April 12 township board meeting. Also present were fire chief Bill Scully and a few other members of the public. Two village residents spoke during public comment about the plan to move the recycling bins to the corner of Duncan and Macomb streets. Both […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO — March 2022 report of police services in the village

submitted by Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office During the month of March, there were 215 calls for service. During this time 130 traffic stops were made, resulting in 14 citations. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during last month include: On March 7, a Collaboration Deputy was dispatched to the 600 block of Parr Street for a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Road commission continues work in Bridgewater, Sharon Townships

Submitted by Washtenaw County Road Comission The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) is continuing work in two areas of Southwestern Washtenaw County where there will be road closures over the coming weeks. Residents in those neighborhoods should be prepared to consider alternate routes. In Sharon Township, Pleasant Lake Road between Sharon Hollow Rd and Smythe […]

 Marsha Chartrand

St Joseph Mercy Chelsea becomes Chelsea Hospital as part of rebrand

submitted by Trinity Health Michigan Trinity Health Michigan will rebrand eight hospitals and hundreds of care sites in Michigan to build recognition, trust, and pride under the shared identity of Trinity Health. Mercy Health and Saint Joseph Mercy Health System, along with their employed medical groups IHA and Mercy Health Physician Partners, will adopt the […]

 Sara Swanson

Avian flu confirmed in Washtenaw County birds

submitted by the Washtenaw County Health Department  Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 has been confirmed in birds in Washtenaw County. No human illness has been identified, and all individuals potentially exposed to the confirmed cases are being contacted. Washtenaw County Health Department is sharing this information to alert people who own or work with […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester to Manchester: The High School band visits England

Saturday March 26, when many Manchester High School students were relaxing on their first day of spring break, forty-one High School band members and chaperones were headed to the Detroit airport to catch a flight for England with destinations including London and Manchester, UK! Planning for the eight-day trip began in September 2019, although initially […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Parks clean up has a successful day

“The weather really wasn’t bad at all,” said Village President Pat Vailliencourt. “It was not raining or snowing and not too cold.” Perhaps Vailliencourt’s memory was slightly more thawed out by late Saturday afternoon, but a small and intrepid group of volunteers did a great job of making short work of the Parks Cleanup Day […]

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