
 Sara Swanson

MCS literacy team support state dyslexia bill

Manchester Community Schools has faced many challenges this year and often that overshadowed some amazing work happening behind the scenes like Manchester Community Schools’ Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for Reading they’ve been building for K-6th graders. Not just of local significance, a MCS literacy team has now met with Manchester’s State Senator, Lana Theis […]

 Marsha Chartrand

The Digital Dislocators are going to states!

submitted by Andy Galicki After an absolute rollercoaster of a weekend, the high school robotics team finished their Week 6 competition at Woodhaven High School ranked 13th out of 41 teams, with a qualification record of 8 wins and 4 losses. Upon advancing to the playoffs, they were chosen as the first pick of the […]

 Sara Swanson

Seed library restocked!

It is seed library time! Since 2014 the Manchester District Library (MDL) has hosted the Manchester Seed Library, which serves as a location for community members to come pick out and take home free seeds. After being packed away for the cold, winter months, it is once again set up for self-service in the vestibule […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Washtenaw 100 honors Roger Simpson of Freedom Township for extraordinary support of emergency responders

submitted by Chris Kochmanski, The Washtenaw 100 Freedom Township’s Roger Simpson has received the Howard and Norma Weaver Memorial Award from The Washtenaw 100, an area charity that benefits the county’s law enforcement officers and firefighters, their families, and departments. The Weaver Award recognizes local citizens who quietly go above and beyond in their support for […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester voices talk about rural/urban divide at WCDP meeting

submitted by Washtenaw County Democratic Party Washtenaw County Democratic Party (WCDP) members and guests discussed what urban Democrats in Washtenaw County need to learn about their rural neighbors. After decades of working in Washtenaw County, WCDP says they’re still missing the boat on outreach to rural candidates and rural voters. Guest speaker Barb Fuller, chair […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCRC announces area road work and closures

The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) has announced two areas of Southwestern Washtenaw County where there will be road closures over the coming weeks. Residents in those neighborhoods should be prepared to consider alternate routes. In Sharon Township, Pleasant Lake Road between Sharon Hollow Rd and Smythe Rd has been closed since Thursday, August 7, […]

 Sara Swanson

Local farmer has Ukrainian connections through Farm Bureau

In 2013, Michigan farmers traveled to Ukraine as part of a Michigan Farm Bureau-sponsored event to learn more about sunflower oils, grains, and how each country’s agricultural practices differed. One of the attendees was Travis Fusilier.  In May 2019, Fusilier Family Farms in Manchester hosted six Ukrainian women involved in agriculture as one of their several […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Meet the Farmer at Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café

submitted by Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café Come join us for Meet the Farmer: Webbed Foot Pines this Saturday, April 9, 11 am to 1 pm. Farmer Lucas from Webbed Foot Pines will join us as he shares his vast knowledge of poultry farming and more than 25 varieties of fowl he has on his […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC: Seasonal Weight Restrictions ending

The Seasonal Weight Restrictions that went into effect on Monday, March 1, 2022 will be suspended countywide effective Tuesday, April 5th at 6 am. The restrictions will have been in effect for 35 days. If you have any questions regarding seasonal weight restrictions, please contact Mark McCulloch, senior project manager — permits, at (734) 327-6679,

 Sara Swanson

County-wide events celebrate National Agriculture Week and Food and Agriculture Month

submitted by Kathleen Siler, Washtenaw County Farm Bureau Washtenaw County Farm Bureau joined other organizations across the country to celebrate agriculture’s important role in daily life as part of National Ag Week, March 20-26 and Ag Day on Tuesday, March 22. March is also Reading Month and Food and Agriculture month in Michigan. Local events […]

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