Memorial Day Parade 2018 (photos)
Manchester observed Memorial Day with it’s traditional parade beginning on Main Street Bridge, stopping in Wurster Park and ending in Oak Grove Cemetery. Despite the sweltering heat, the community turned out out to honor soldiers who died in war.
Turkeys wander the village! (photos)
Five friendly turkeys wandered the south-west side of Manchester Village last weekend. Spotted and photographed wandering down Duncan Street, strolling through backyards and hanging out in Kirk Park.
MHS Drama Club presents “Little Shop of Horrors”
The weekend of April 20-22 was a busy one for Manchester, and one of the many events happening was the high school musical performance of “Little Shop of Horrors.” Creative sets and costuming were a hallmark of the production, with plenty of singing, dancing, and laughter. Photos courtesy of Unforgettable Photos, Manchester.
MHS Prom 2018 (photos)
The annual Junior-Senior prom was held on Saturday, May 5 at The Landing in Tecumseh. Skylyr Zink and Lauren Sprau were named Prom King and Queen and the photo booth was definitely the hot spot of the evening. A s’mores bar also was popular with attendees. Photos courtesy of Unforgettable Photos, Manchester.
Cub Scouts Mom-and-Me Camp Out cold but fun! (photos)
Saturday April 28th – 29th, Manchester’s Cub Scouts Pack 421 held a Mom-and-Me Camp Out at Indian Creek Campground in Tecumseh. Making up for the chilly night-time temperatures were fun activities including miniature golf, zip-lining and crafts! Photos courtesy of Rebecca Harvey.
Cement truck tug-of-war at Math & Science Night (photos)
It was 10 kids vs. 5 adults with a cement truck in the middle, and with a little help from pulleys, the kids were the winners every time! This physics demonstration in the Klager Elementary School parking lot kicked off Math and Science Night on Friday.
Brownie troop learns to make pottery (photos)
On April 6th, 3rd grade Girl Scout Brownie Troop 40673 visited David Nelson’s Pottery Studio on Morgan Street for a hands on workshop. The girls made pinch pots, coil pots and slab mugs. This fulfilled one of the requirements for their pottery badge.