Michigan passes $4.2B COVID relief, after Whitmer, GOP play loose with facts
by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge Michigan) LANSING — Michigan’s Republican-led Legislature finalized its long-awaited COVID-19 plan last Wednesday, authorizing the state to spend $3.45 billion out of roughly $5 billion in federal funding sent here in December by Congress and former President Donald Trump. Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wanted a $5.6 billion plan and is likely […]
Stuck at home, Michigan turns to alcohol amid COVID: Sales jump 20 percent
by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Michigan) Alcohol sales in Michigan surged 20 percent last year, as residents took to drinking while cloistered at home during the coronavirus pandemic, state records show. In a year in which little was normal and stress was plentiful, alcohol may have offered solace from thousands of illnesses, more than 15,400 statewide deaths […]
Lake Superior is warming faster than many of the world’s big lakes
by Lester Graham (Bridge Michigan) The downtown office for the Sault Sainte Marie Tribe of the Chippewa Indians Fisheries Management Program is a simple, small two-story brick building. But you don’t have to guess whether you’re in the right place. Pickup trucks with the tribe’s Natural Resources Services emblem are usually parked at the side […]
COVID reveals Michigan’s internet broadband gap. Will take years to close.
by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING—When the COVID-19 pandemic closed Michigan school buildings last March and sent students home for remote learning, Amy Zicafoose and her two children scrambled to find internet access wherever they could. Since broadband is not available at their home in rural Jackson County, they did school work from the car in the […]
White Michigan residents get COVID vaccine at twice rate of African Americans
by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge) White residents in Michigan are twice as likely to have received the coronavirus vaccine as Black residents, according to new data released Tuesday by the state. The data, however, has substantial gaps — the race is unknown for over 40 percent of vaccine recipients. So far, 8 percent of whites residents […]
What flu season? Michigan influenza barely registers during COVID
by Robin Erb (Bridge) COVID-19 has brought immeasurable misery to Michigan, but it also has carried an upside: its safety precautions have nearly zeroed out the flu and appeared to lessen some other respiratory illnesses, too. Last week, the peak of a normal flu season, the state’s surveillance network of labs confirmed just four new […]
Whitmer: Nearly all Michigan schools to open amid COVID. Ann Arbor, too.
by Ron French (Bridge) Facing intense public pressure, Ann Arbor Public Schools reversed course Wednesday and set a timeline for students to return to some face-to-face instruction for the remainder of this COVID-plagued school year. Ann Arbor’s school board vote Wednesday leaves just a handful of traditional public school districts among 537 in the state […]
Michigan dams need ‘immediate attention’ to prevent next failure
by Kelly House (Bridge) Michigan’s aging dams require “comprehensive and immediate attention” to avoid future tragedies like last summer’s Midland-area dam failures, a state task force has determined. In a list of 86 recommendations released Thursday, the task force identified a host of regulatory, legal and funding fixes designed to fix aging dams and boost […]
Race, abortion dominate debate on Michigan $2-billion COVID response plan
by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING – Michigan’s Republican-led Senate on Thursday approved a nearly $2 billion plan that would fund COVID-19 vaccine distribution, testing, hazard pay and schools but withhold more than $3 billion in additional relief funding provided to the state by the federal government. The GOP proposal — opposed by all Senate Democrats […]
Intense storms from climate change harming Michigan streams and rivers
by Lester Graham (Bridge Michigan) It’s freezing outside and Larry Scheer is in neoprene chest waders kicking up sediment in Boyden Creek near Ann Arbor. He’s using a fine mesh net to capture the detritus he’s stirred up. When he has enough in his net, he makes his way to the shore where Jenni Yim […]