State News

 Marsha Chartrand

Audit finds DTE Electric and Consumers Energy outages ‘worse than average’

by Jenelle D. James (Bridge Michigan) DTE and Consumers Energy had “worse than average” service interruptions, restoration delays, and tree trimming cycles compared to other utility companies, according to an audit conducted by an independent party. The Michigan Public Service Commission said it hired Liberty Consulting Group, based in Pennsylvania, to audit both companies in 2022 “amid […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan’s mental health crisis extends beyond students: Teachers struggle, too

by Katie Finkbeiner for Capital News Service (via Bridge Michigan) LANSING – “When I was a teacher, I felt like I connected so much with the kids who were struggling, I felt like I took that home with me,” said Becky Halamka, a Negaunee Public Schools counselor and founder of Superior Educator Wellness Services. Before […]

 Marsha Chartrand

As Michigan moves toward $15 minimum wage, workers rally to keep tip system

by Jordyn Hermani (Bridge Michigan) Michigan will move forward with plans to raise its minimum wage to nearly $15 an hour by 2028 but should delay a full phase out of the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers until 2030 under an amended order released Wednesday by the state Supreme Court. Responding to a request for […]

 Sara Swanson

In Michigan, alarms grow over construction worker suicides; more help on way

by Anna Rossow, Capital News Service (Bridge Michigan) LANSING – Mental health problems in a male-dominated industry – construction – are often overlooked, and its workers have disproportionately high suicide rates, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics The agency says the suicide rate among construction workers is four times more than for adults […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan’s fall salmon migration run has begun. Anglers are salivating

by Janelle D. James  (Bridge Michigan) Michigan’s coastal rivers and streams are filling up with salmon as the prized sportfish make their annual fall migration from the Great Lakes. The fall fishing run is eagerly awaited by anglers, giving them easy access to some of the millions of Atlantic, Chinook, pink and coho salmon that the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Tough job, fewer applicants: Michigan struggles to hire police, survey finds

by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Michigan) Police agencies throughout Michigan are struggling to hire qualified officers, a new study finds, exacerbating an officer shortage that has hit forces nationwide. A University of Michigan study released Tuesday found that 72% report difficult hiring and another 48% said they had problems keeping officers of the 1,800 Michigan cities, townships and counties surveyed. […]

 Sara Swanson

U-Pick? Go soon. Michigan apples, peaches ahead of schedule

by Janelle D. James (Bridge Michigan) Michiganders who want to pick their own apples or buy fresh from farms may want to head to the orchard earlier than usual — because they’re ready now. Extreme weather events — like a 70-degree day in February followed by a cold front and then record-high temperatures — have caused Michigan […]

 Sara Swanson

As marijuana stigma fades, 1 in 4 older Michiganders say they use pot

by Robin Erb & Janelle D. James  (Bridge Michigan) Walled Lake —Whether it’s to “feel good,” fall asleep or curb pain, Michiganders who are 50 and older are turning to weed more often than the rest of America — smoking it, eating it, drinking it or applying it to their skin. That’s according to the newest survey by researchers […]

 Marsha Chartrand

In Michigan, 1 in 3 students miss 18+ days of school a year, data shows

by Isabel Lohman & Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Michigan) Nearly 1 in 3 K-12 students in Michigan missed 10% or more school days this past academic year, a tiny decrease from last year but still considerably higher than before the pandemic. The troublesome trend comes as state test scores show students have still not fully recovered from […]

 Sara Swanson

Census: Michigan household income drop among nation’s worst. Blame inflation

by Mike Wilkinson & Paula Gardner (Bridge Michigan) Inflation and higher costs for groceries and housing have erased household income gains in Michigan and nationwide since the pandemic, the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows. Median household income in Michigan fell to $69,183 in 2023, down 3% from the inflation-adjusted income in 2019, […]

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