State News

 Sara Swanson

Coronavirus is isolating children. How to help them thrive.

by Brie Zeltner  (Bridge) In the Sterling Heights condominium complex where Mary Johnson lives with her 9-year-old son and husband, kids began playing together outdoors as soon as the weather improved. The sounds of shouting and giggling drift in through Johnson’s windows, a siren call to play that is nearly impossible for a child to […]

 Sara Swanson

Gretchen Whitmer, GOP square off in court over Michigan emergency powers

by Riley Beggin (Bridge) Is Gretchen Whitmer using her just authority as governor to protect Michigan amid a once-in-a-century crisis or setting a dangerous precedent by illegally ignoring the Legislature? That was the question before Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens on Friday morning in a showdown between Whitmer and the GOP-led Legislature that could determine […]

 Sara Swanson

Inflammatory syndrome tied to coronavirus sickens two dozen Michigan kids

by Kristen Jordan Shamus, Detroit Free Press (for Bridge) At first, they might not seem that sick. A child might have a fever and a rash that lasts a few days, or cracked lips, red, irritated eyes and a bright red tongue. There might be swollen lymph nodes or stomach pain, gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea […]

 Sara Swanson

In Michigan, 23K are ‘recovered’ from COVID. Many still feel like hell.

by Robin Erb (Bridge) As a data point on the state’s coronavirus dashboard, Nancy Blodgett has moved to “recovered.” And yes, she’s home after getting whomped full-force by COVID-19. But recovered? Not even close. “Heavens no. ‘Recovered’ is when you can go back to work [and] when you can walk to the mailbox and not […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan’s definition of coronavirus ‘recovery’ looser than other states

Editor’s note: Washtenaw County and the State of Michigan use different definitions of “recovered”. In Washtenaw County’s COVID-19 numbers, “recovered” is defined as no symptoms/fever for over 72 hours and at least 7 days since symptoms started. Robin Erb (Bridge) Not dead. In the crassest of terms, that’s how the state of Michigan defines the 22,686 […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Whitmer reopens Michigan from coronavirus in phases: What that means to you

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday announced details of a six-phase economic restart plan and announced that Michigan is already in the third phase because coronavirus case counts are “flattening.” That means manufacturing firms, which represent approximately 19 percent of the state’s economy, will be permitted to reopen Monday with new workplace safety rules. With Detroit’s Big Three automakers […]

 Sara Swanson

Part nurse, part detective: A day in the life of a Michigan contact tracer

by Kelly House (Bridge) Christina Zilke’s first interaction with her patients is often unpleasant. As a contact tracer with the Washtenaw County Health Department, she must ask them to relive the onset of an illness that has made them a statistic in a global pandemic. Zilke knows how important it is to interview COVID-19 patients […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan launches coronavirus contact tracing. Here’s what you need to know.

by Kelly House, Riley Beggin (Bridge) Successfully reopening Michigan’s economy requires government officials to know who has COVID-19 — and to whom they could have spread it. Without that, health experts say, reopening the state may be a major gamble marked by waves of new infections spread by people who don’t yet know they’re sick. As […]

 Marsha Chartrand

GOP-led Legislature sues Michigan Gov. Whitmer over emergency powers

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING — Republican legislators filed suit against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Wednesday alleging her attempt to unilaterally extend emergency declarations amid the COVID-19 crisis is illegal, “absurd,” unconstitutional and “nonsensical.” GOP leaders are asking the Michigan Court of Claims for an immediate ruling declaring that Whitmer’s emergency orders, including her stay-at-home and business closure […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Tribal casinos may be headed for clash with Whitmer, Nessel over reopening

by Meghanlata Gupta, Ron French (Bridge) Some Michigan tribal casinos are making plans to open as early as May 16, setting up a possible showdown with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel, who fear crowds at slot machines could spread the coronavirus. How the state will respond to the planned openings isn’t known yet; […]