State News

 Sara Swanson

Sheriff’s plea on mentally ill prisoner reveals gap in Michigan treatment

By Ted Roelofs (Bridge) Frustrated by a lack of treatment options, a sheriff in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula took to the Internet, pleading for help for a mentally ill Vietnam veteran stuck in his jail. Advocates say it’s merely the latest example of a failed criminal justice mental health system. “We have tried over and over […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Incomes climb in Michigan, but state still struggles with loss of manufacturing

By Joel Kurth, Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Special Report) Make no mistake: Michigan’s economy is doing well, but the days of leading the nation in weekly paychecks are long over. The state’s workers once made substantially more than the average American household (6 percent more in 2000). Now, the median household income is 4 percent less […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan college tuition hikes leave average graduate with $35K in debt

By Joel Kurth and Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Special Report) More Michiganders than ever have a college degree, but the state ranks 30th in the United States for the rate of residents with an associate’s degree or higher: 45 percent of working-age adults. Fewer than 30 percent of adults have at least a bachelor’s degree compared […]

 Sara Swanson

Early childhood education is key to success. Michigan still has work to do.

By Joel Kurth, Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Special Report) Preschool is a proven strategy to improve school readiness. Children in high-quality preschools are more likely to succeed in school, graduate from high school, earn higher incomes and commit fewer crimes. The stakes are intensified in Michigan by middling school performance. Michigan’s fourth-grade reading scores on the national assessment rank […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan could decide presidency. These are the facts that shape our state.

By Joel Kurth & Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Special Report) Once again, Michigan is one of a few swing states that could decide the 2020 presidential election. And once again, The Center for Michigan and Bridge Magazine are dedicated to fact-based, nonpartisan coverage of the elections for president, the 110 House of Representatives seats as well […]

 Sara Swanson

Loving this mild Michigan winter? Outdoor enthusiasts sure aren’t.

by Alexandra Schmidt (Bridge) Warm weather, low snowfall and thin ice are getting in the way of business as usual for Michigan’s outdoor recreation industry. “This is the worst winter I’ve ever experienced,” said Brian Webber, standing in his sporting goods store in Essexville on a rainy 37-degree day in January. On a normal winter […]

 Sara Swanson

A steady job can give you health coverage, but can health coverage help you work?

by Robin Erb (Bridge) While a job may lead to health insurance, it appears that the reverse might be true, too: Health coverage for some of Michigan’s low-income residents also led to an uptick in jobs and school. That’s the conclusion of a study, published Friday by researchers at the University of Michigan’s Institute for […]

 Sara Swanson

How Trump clean water rule impacts Michigan’s wetlands and streams

by Ted Roelofs (Bridge) President Donald Trump scored a ringing endorsement for his recent rollback of federal clean water protections from an expected sector: Michigan farmers. But in an ongoing tug-of-war over government’s regulatory role, environmental advocates warn the rollback threatens water quality in wetlands and streams across the state. “Clean water is a basic need,” […]

 Sara Swanson

Coronavirus Tracker: What Michigan needs to know now

by Robin Erb (Bridge) This tracker was last updated Saturday, Feb. 8 On Saturday, Feb. 8, state health officials confirmed that a traveler to China from Oakland County was hospitalized and being tested for the coronavirus by the CDC. It was unclear when this person traveled to China, or where or how he returned to […]

 Sara Swanson

The first line of defense against coronavirus: Try soap, not a mask

by Robin Erb (Bridge) For all the high-tech, high-intellect lab work that’s being done around the globe to protect humans from coronavirus, it’s the decidedly low-tech precautions — spoiler alert: wash your hands — that are the most effective as a first-line defense. Perhaps more glamorous advice is likely to stick for people who otherwise […]