State News

 Marsha Chartrand

How much brook trout is enough? Michigan keeps changing catch limits.

by Ted Roelofs (Bridge) Celebrated by author Ernest Hemingway, enshrined decades ago as Michigan’s state fish, the brook trout has been through some choppy political waters of late. In 2017 — after persistent lobbying by Upper Peninsula anglers and sports groups — a state commission doubled the daily catch limit for brook trout in 33 […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan cherry industry still trying to absorb tariff loss to Turkey

by Bob Campbell (Bridge) Among the hundreds of Michigan fruit growers, processors, researchers, vendors and promoters assembled last week at Grand Traverse Resort in Acme just outside Traverse City, were the economically-challenged tart cherry businesses of northwest Michigan. Their hopes, for once, were riding high on expectations of good news from a federal agency — […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Senator accuses Lucido of harassment as #MeToo reckoning hits Michigan Capitol

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING — Women in and around the Michigan Legislature are taking on what they call an “old boys’ club” culture at the state Capitol that has allowed sexually inappropriate behavior to persist despite a national #MeToo movement. And state Sen. Peter Lucido, a Shelby Township Republican who chairs two powerful committees […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan still owes GM over $2 billion in tax credits from Great Recession

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING — An old tax credit program designed to stem massive job losses during the Great Recession continues to gouge the Michigan budget. But a new deal with General Motors Co. will provide some certainty in future years. The Detroit-based automaker agreed to cap the total value of its refundable Michigan […]

 Sara Swanson

Liberal group launches ballot effort to change Michigan lobbying laws

by Riley Beggin (Bridge) LANSING –  A liberal advocacy group on Thursday launched a constitutional amendment ballot initiative effort to change Michigan laws to ban lobbyists from giving gifts to public officials and require a “cooling off” period before former officials could become lobbyists. “For years there’s been talk about the need for more transparency […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan county threatens to bulldoze Amish homes in poop dispute

by Ted Roelofs (Bridge) LENAWEE COUNTY—As late afternoon sun streamed into the home’s spare living area, an Amish couple recalled the day this past August when a Lenawee County health official came to their door to post a notice. “Do Not Enter,” it warned. “Unfit For Human Habitation.” And below that: “Order to Vacate.” An […]

 Sara Swanson

Crashes, injuries spike after Michigan boosts freeway speed limits to 75 mph

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) ITHACA –  For Connor Learman, Michigan’s 75 miles per hour speed limit on US-127 allows him to shave a few minutes off his weekend snowboarding trip up north and all but eliminates the risk he’ll get pulled over by police. “I go 80 anyways, so it gets me closer,” the 22-year-old […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan the latest to roll out Medicaid work rules. Can it avoid pitfalls?

by Robin Erb (Bridge) Dreaded by some as a red-tape attack on the poor and lauded by others as a road to self-sufficiency, Michigan’s Medicaid work requirements are now in force. Since Jan. 1, more than 238,000 Michiganders ages 19 to 62 have been required to work at least 80 hours a month or produce […]

 Sara Swanson

Five things to know about Michigan’s Medicaid work rules

by Robin Erb (Bridge) Thousands of Michigan residents enrolled in Healthy Michigan are now expected to work 80 hours a month — or tell the state why they can’t — to continue receiving health insurance under Michigan’s expanded Medicaid program. Who’s affected? The work rules apply only to a portion of Michigan’s 662,000 people who […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan residents say they oppose uncertified teachers leading classrooms

by Alexandra Schmidt (Bridge) In an era where education policy can be divisive, Michigan residents overwhelmingly agree on one thing: They want trained, certified teachers leading school classrooms. A large majority say they are skeptical that long-term substitute teachers who currently are in charge of thousands of Michigan classrooms can provide a quality education for […]