State News

 Sara Swanson

Who is running against Debbie Dingell in Michigan’s 6th Congressional District?

Editor’s note: This story was corrected June 22, 2024, to accurately reflect information about Heather Smiley. A previous version incorrectly attributed to her some details about a different political candidate with the same name. by Lauren Gibbons (Bridge Michigan) U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell is the favorite for a sixth term in Congress. The Ann Arbor […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Pro-Palestinian protests spread to Michigan State amid nationwide arrests

by Jordyn Hermani and Isabel Lohman (Bridge Magazine)  Pro-Palestinian demonstrations spread to a second Michigan campus Thursday, as students at Michigan State University set up a tent encampment to demand the school end any support for Israel. A similar encampment at the University of Michigan, which began Monday, has emerged as a test between the school’s free […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan fishers are warned about harmful algae ahead of trout season

by Janelle D. James  (Bridge Michigan) Michigan’s trout fishing season opens on Saturday, and the state is advising people to avoid picking up “aquatic hitchhikers” as they head for the waters. Various trout species, from rainbow to brown trout, can be found in the Great Lakes. But an invasive species of algae found in streams continues to […]

 Sara Swanson

Salt level rising in Michigan groundwaters, endangering crops, homes

by Alex Walters, Capital News Service (Bridge Michigan) A worrisome environmental issue is bubbling up from deep below Michigan’s ground with little public awareness, experts say. The salinity of the state’s groundwater is on the rise, raising concerns about killed crops and corroded pipes. The problem is increasingly severe and requires action, but Michigan residents […]

 Sara Swanson

Squatters’ rights in Michigan: What homeowners should know

by Janelle D. James (Bridge Michigan) Lawmakers across the country are cracking down on squatting, or people living in unoccupied properties without permission. Michigan has had a law on the books for 10 years that makes squatting a crime, but homeowners can’t physically remove unwanted occupants from their property. State Rep. Ken Borton, R-Gaylord, proposed a bill this month […]

 Marsha Chartrand

As opioid funds flood Michigan, tensions rise over how best to reverse ODs

by Robin Erb (Bridge Michigan) As the street-drug supply in Michigan grows more potent, a proposed state law could open access to treatments that some argue are more powerful than traditional Narcan in saving lives. But others say such naloxone — the drug known by the brand name option, Narcan, and available to the public […]

 Sara Swanson

Democrats retake Michigan House with special election wins

by Jordyn Hermani (Bridge Michigan) LANSING — Democrats are back in control of the Michigan House – and the full state government – for the rest of the year after their candidates in two special elections won big Tuesday night. The contests put an end to a months-long partisan stalemate with Republicans in the lower chamber after […]

 Marsha Chartrand

New push to reform Michigan corporate subsidies, this time from Republicans

by Paula Gardner (Bridge Michigan) New proposals from Michigan Republicans take aim at the state’s once-acclaimed $2 billion incentive program and the agency that oversees it. Republicans this week said they plan to introduce legislation this spring to increase oversight of the Strategic Outreach and Attraction Reserve (SOAR) fund, along with adding performance-based funding for the Michigan Economic Development […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan’s morel mushroom season: Where to find them and how to identify them

by Janelle D. James (Bridge Michigan) People in Michigan should soon be able to collect prized morel mushrooms as foraging season begins. Morels, known for their distinctive pitted, honeycomb-like caps, begin to appear in late spring through the beginning of summer. Morel mushroom foraging season lasts long, beginning in mid-April and continuing through mid-June. Hunters in southern […]

 Marsha Chartrand

EPA sets first limits on PFAS in drinking water, drawing praise in Michigan

EPA sets first limits on PFAS in drinking water, drawing praise in Michigan

by Janelle D. James (Bridge Michigan) The Environmental Protection Agency set the first-ever national standards limiting PFAS contaminants in drinking water on Wednesday. The move drew immediate praise from officials in Michigan, which was one of the first states to regulate the compounds. The federal agency proposed standards over a year ago that would require […]

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