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Manchester Community Schools Host Wellness Event for Employees

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On Thursday, January 16, all Manchester Community School employees were invited to attend a Worksite Wellness event promoting healthy programs and events.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms what now seems to be common knowledge: healthier employees are more productive. Workplace health programs are a way for employers to proactively improve productivity. Healthier employees are less likely to call in sick or use vacation time for illness which means that companies that support workplace health have a greater percentage of employees at work every day.

MCS staff members browse the informational tables.

MCS staff members browse the informational tables. Photo by Shanna Spickard.

The cost savings of providing a workplace health program can be measured against absenteeism among employees, reduced overtime to cover absent employees, and costs to train replacement employees. But the benefits go beyond sick days. Because improved employee health frequently carries over into better health behavior at home (such as nutritious meals cooked at home or increased physical activity with the family), employees may miss less work caring for ill family members. Workplace health programs can also reduce "presenteeism" — the measurable extent to which health symptoms, conditions, and diseases adversely affect the work productivity of individuals who choose to remain at work.

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MCS staff selecting informational pamphlets relevant to their personal health or interests. Photo by Shanna Spickard.

The Worksite Wellness committee from the Manchester Community Schools attended a MESSA (Michigan Education Special Services Association) Worksite Wellness Conference on October 18, 2013. According to their website, MESSA has been providing health care for public school employees for over 50 years. Their wellness conferences are designed to promote wellness by arming school representatives with information to launch a wellness campaign within their districts.

The wellness committee from MCS is comprised of representatives from each of the three buildings: Julie Charney from Klager, Shanna Spickard from the Middle School, and Sandi Fillyaw from the High School. Shanna Spickard indicated that, "The conference helped us identify areas of need for our district with employee health. Our two highest needs are stress reduction/management and cholesterol screening." As a result, they committee planned a wellness event to focus on those needs.

Goodie bags filled with great information for MCS staff to take home.  Photo by Shanna Spickard.

Goodie bags filled with great information for MCS staff to take home. Photo by Shanna Spickard.

Over 50 employees attended the kickoff which included the following activities:
1) Healthy snacks provided by Chartwells
2) A goodie bag full of giveaways and literature
3) Biometric baseline measurements by a certified nurse, if desired (weight, blood pressure, body fat analysis)
4) Opportunities to sign up for health groups and area race/events, such as 5ks
5) A chance for AWESOME door prize raffle items for everyone who attended

Raffle items on display during the event. Photo by Shanna Spickard

Raffle items on display during the event. Photo by Shanna Spickard

Raffle Items included:  a blood pressure monitor, a half-hour massage, a new Fitbit Force, and other various items.

The MCS Worksite Wellness committee wishes to thank all the local and national businesses and people that helped make this kickoff happen.

Special Thanks to:
Chartwells Food Service
General Mills
Kathy Benedict (the nurse)
Gennell Onsted (MS office clerk)
Committee (Julie Charney, Sandi Fillyaw, Shanna Spickard)
Superintendent Cherie Vannatter
Manchester and Chelsea Wellness Centers
5 Healthy Towns
Manchester Market
MMS Fuel Up to Play 60
Workout 1
Manchester Jazzersize
Community Resource Center

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