Sara Swanson

Letter to the Editor: Something Needs to be Done About Manchester's Vacant Storefronts

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Letter to the Editor

June 18, 2015

To whom it may concern,

Myself and many residents in the Manchester community have expressed concern over the numerous vacant downtown buildings. Many of the storefronts do not have a "for rent" or "for sale" sign in their windows. Why? What can be done about these blighted buildings? Our town desperately needs more thriving businesses to attract people. The businesses that are most often mentioned are the former Village Gifts at 134 East Main st. and the former Antique Mall at 116 E. Main St, both of which are owned by the same people and have cats living in the building's storefront. Is that even legal?

I think people in the community would also like to know what is going on with the former Dan's River Grill, which is now the Moveable Feast Catering building. The for sale sign has been taken down and it seems to be a waste not using it as a restaurant. The orange building across the street from the Moveable Feast also sits vacant on one side. There are rumors that Ollies Pizza has purchased the building and are expanding their restaurant. It would be great if that is true.

What will be happening with the former Bakery and the storefront that sits next to it? Finally, the building that was previously Koebbee Welding at 480 w. Main street. It appears as if someone has purchased the building and is doing something with it. There are rumors that it will be a distillery or a brewery. The vacant downtown storefronts isn't good for the community. What the plan is for them? Something needs to be done about it.

Sam Johnson

Editor’s Note: We’d like to publish your letter to the editor too. Click HERE for our letter to the editor policy.

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