Sara Swanson

School board votes to disclaim member's behavior but not to censure

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Last Monday at the regularly scheduled school board meeting, the board went into closed session to hear the findings of the independent investigation into the actions that led to the formal complaint by a principal alleging verbal abuse by a school board member on May 10th. Afterwards, the board came back into open session and held a disclaiming vote.

By voting for the disclaiming motion, board members were affirming that the board member in question had acted as an individual in that situation and was not representing the board. This motion passed 6 to 1. The board president then made a motion which was seconded, to censure the board member. This led to discussion in which the findings of the independent investigator were paraphrased. Based on the board’s discussion, the investigator seems to have found that while the board member’s behavior was problematic, no policies or statutes were violated; but the board should consider adopting policies on behavior going forward. The board voted against censure, 4 to 2 with 1 abstention.

School board member Dara Psarouthakis stated, "I thank the School Board for their attention to this matter and their recognition that I was acting individually as a concerned parent over a serious situation. I am pleased that the independent investigation rightfully found that false allegations were made and there was no violation of School Board statue, policy, or ethics. My hope is that the school administration further expand and enhance safety and confidentiality protocols. I look forward to working with the School Board to develop further policies regarding ethics and conduct. In my opinion, there needs to be further discussion regarding the manner in which a School Board member, who is also a parent, is able to address serious concerns."


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