Sara Swanson

Community Resource Center prepares for move to Riverside Intermediate School

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The Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) serves individuals and families in need throughout our community by offering effective programs that improve their lives, promotes volunteerism, and enhances the welfare of the Manchester community in general. For many years it has operated out of the Manchester Community School District’s Nellie Ackerson Building but as that building shuts its doors, the CRC will be moving to a new location in Riverside Intermediate School (previously the Manchester Middle School) located at 710 East Main Street.

CRC executive director, Laura Seyfried stated, “We have a signed lease with the Manchester Community Schools to lease two classrooms at Riverside Intermediate School. We are excited to continue our rental partnership with the school district for the next year.” 

The new space is roughly the same square footage, but offers some advantages over the old space with its own entrance/exit door and a door between the rooms that will serve as an office and the food pantry; in addition to bright lighting, working heat, and air conditioning. 

Seyfried acknowledges the disadvantages the move will have as well. “There will be a time of adjustment for our customers to learn about our new location, our goal being to use the summer months to educate folks on the logistics of the new space–including altered pantry shopping hours, parking, grocery pick up, and entrance/exit doors.” In addition, the new location will not have access to a public restroom for CRC customers (including children).

The new location in the intermediate school may, however, provide an opportunity for the CRC to work with the students, teachers and administration through project-based learning, which will be a focus at Riverside. Seyfried states, “There could be volunteer opportunities, inter-generational learning, and project partnerships.”

Their 1-year lease for the space in Riverside begins June 1, 2018. Although the CRC is hopeful to start the move before the school year ends, the move is on hold while the school district secures contractors to take care of the minor issues reported during a building inspection which must be completed before the Bureau of Building Codes and Fire Marshall will allow occupancy.

There are other factors involved in determining when the actual move will take place, Seyfried explained. “We will also be at the mercy of AT&T to set up our phone and internet at the new location. We are not sure what the transfer will involve or how long it will take. We have a commitment from our commercial cooler and freezer vendor to help move those two pieces of equipment to the new location.” As the CRC acts as a location for other organizations to provide services to Manchester residents, the uncertainty around the move makes it tricky to schedule those visits, but they are currently in conversation with those partner organizations like WIC and MIWorks to figure out a way they can still accommodate their services for Manchester residents.

Seyfried states that when the move happens, they will need volunteers to help: “People who can help pack boxes, people who can lift and load boxes, people who have pick-up trucks and vans, etc. People who are interested in volunteering can contact the CRC office now to let us know their contact information, how they can help, and when they are available.” The CRC office’s phone number is 734-428-7722.

The CRC has a long relationship with the school district. “We have a good working relationship with the school board, staff and administration and are looking forward to working with the new superintendent,” Seyfried stated, “We are also excited to have school representatives on board with discussions about a community center for the people of the Manchester area (Village and townships) through our Nonprofit Roundtable Group.”

Read more about the Community Resource Center: CRC info sheet 2018

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