Manchester’s WALK Star!

Kathy O’Mara, first grade teacher at Manchester’s Klager Elementary School, is well known to most people in the community. Perhaps you grew up in Manchester and remember her as Kathy Rose; or maybe she taught you– or your child–or both–over the 34 years she has worked at Klager Elementary School; if she coached you or your daughter in a sport, or if you have met her through the myriad of other school and community activities in which she is enthusiastically involved, her face is probably familiar to everyone.
But it was the Walk to School program that brought Kathy to the State Capitol Rotunda early last Thursday morning, and kept her out late Thursday night, “Dancing in the Streets” to Martha Reeves at Motor City Casino in Detroit, as she claimed her award as a state finalist in the prestigious Governor’s Fitness Awards.
One of three finalists in the Director’s Champion of Health award category, Kathy was nominated as the mastermind behind Manchester’s highly successful Walk to School program. Her boundless enthusiasm is recognized not only right here in Manchester, but in Lansing and Detroit as well, as several of her fellow nominees admired her typical exuberance. In response, her husband, Kevin, commented, “She’s like this all the time.”
Growing up within the village of Manchester in the 1970s meant Kathy walked to school. Those childhood memories fuel her passion to encourage today’s Manchester children to have the same positive experience she did. To make sure as many students as possible can participate in the walk-to-school fun, she has not only set up drop-off points at Chi-Bro and Wurster Parks, but also meets buses at the high school each Wednesday morning, to allow kids the opportunity to start their day with a quick walk to Klager and Riverside schools.
Children earn rewards every time they walk, and incentive days and monthly themed walks are always popular. Anything to attract more kids to the fun of Walk to School!
And her enthusiasm for fitness doesn’t stop at the school doors. Students in Kathy’s classroom begin the day with exercise, either on the track or in the classroom. She also oversees Manchester’s All Children Exercising Simultaneously (ACES) program, a program sponsored by the Michigan Fitness Foundation.
Kathy is described as a “dedicated cheerleader” for Manchester, a “motivator,” and an “inspiration” to her colleagues, friends, and family. In her personal time, she likes to golf, ride bikes, go for walks, run, water ski, and take part in Jazzercise.
Although the statewide award in Kathy’s category ultimately was presented to a television personality, Kathy is Manchester’s very own WALK Star and can hold her head high with pride; because she is definitely a winner in the eyes of her hometown!

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