2019 Fireworks a success; contribute now for 2020

Manchester’s Independence Day fireworks, paid for by the Manchester’s Mens Club, were successfully executed last Wednesday night.
Austin Scott of the Mens Club stated, “It was a really great show! Huge thanks goes out to all the volunteers that helped from set-up to clean-up. Every year, we are able to put on such a great display because of all the donations we receive. Big thanks goes out to Cassandra Cozart who gave a very generous donation in memory of her husband Mark. It goes to show how much this event means to the community. We all get to come together and celebrate our Patriotism and Independence every July 3rd with our closest friends and family.”
If you missed donating money toward the fireworks Wednesday night or would like to contribute more, you can contact them through their Facebook page, contact John Stedman at 734-231-6284, or send your donations to The Manchester Men’s Club; PO Box 171; Manchester, 48158.
All of the donations go toward next year’s fireworks. Scott stated, “What we make, we shoot!”
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