Sara Swanson

Village Council to hold Q&A on cityhood

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Manchester–village or city?

The Manchester Village Council discussed cityhood at their regularly scheduled board meeting, Monday, July 15th. Based on the recommendation of the citizen’s committee to pursue cityhood, the Village Council decided to hold a question and answer session for village residents as their next step. They are setting aside a portion of their next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, August 5th at 7pm to answer questions and hear concerns. This will be an agenda item and separate from the regular public participation section. 

This Q&A session will be different from the citizen’s committee’s public input session held in May, the purpose of which was to gather input and not to answer questions. Unlike at that meeting, at this meeting the village council will be present and will answer questions. 

Village council members stated that they hope residents will bring up new questions that haven’t been asked yet as they want to consider every aspect if the situation. Village president Pat Vailliencourt stated, “We are proceeding cautiously…we want to make sure we aren’t missing anything.”

Postcards will be mailed out to village residents inviting them to the question and answer session.

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