Sara Swanson

February 2020 Student of the Month, Mikayla Ball

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MCSF’s February 2020 MHS Student of the Month, Mikayla Ball, with MHS principal Eric McCalla

The Manchester Community School Foundation’s February 2020 Manchester Community Schools Foundation Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Mikayla Ball. Mikayla is the daughter of Bud Ball and Kelly Gerlinger. Mikayla is the Vice President Manchester High School National Honor Society and a member of the Link Crew’s mentor program. She has been a drum major of the Manchester Marching Band for the last two years, and in band for the past eight years. She has been on the varsity soccer team for the last four years. Makayla has been selected to be an assistant coach for soccer in the past.

Mikayla works at the Manchester District Library and assists at Diuble Family Vision Foundation events.

Mikayla plans to pursue her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Michigan-Dearborn with a focus of pre-med, eventually going to medical school. 

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