Marsha Chartrand

Newspaper box now located at former Pharmacy site

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Our newspaper box will be in use as of Wednesday, March 18.

Because so many of our normal distribution spots have found it necessary to close during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we have placed a new distribution point (newspaper box) at the former Manchester Pharmacy site. We will stock it with newspapers and encourage you to pick up your copy there. We will also keep distributing to every normal distribution point that remains open, for as long as those remain open.

Remember, many people will be touching the box. For general safety, please wash your hands before and after using the box (and obviously, this should be your practice when out and about generally).

We will continue to print the paper because there are so many people in our community who lack reliable internet service. Please let your friends and family know about this new distribution point, and about this paper.

We appreciate the generosity of Ron Milkey and Jeff Fahey, the building owners, in allowing us to place our newspaper box in front of their building.

Please remember to continue to support our local businesses that do remain open during this difficult time, in any way that you are able.

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