Sara Swanson

Omicron is here. If you test positive, when can you go back to work?

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The highly contagious Omicron variant of COVID-19 is present both in the State of Michigan and Washtenaw County and both are currently experiencing record numbers of new positive cases. The Washtenaw County Health Department states the everyone should be using layering prevention strategies including wearing a well-fitting mask with multiple layers in indoor public spaces, getting vaccinated if you haven’t, and getting your booster if you’re eligible; limiting gatherings, and staying away from others if sick.

The potential exists for a larger percentage of the workforce to be sick with or asymptomatically positive with COVID-19 at the same than ever before during the pandemic. This may put pressure on employers and employees to work when sick or positive to keep businesses running in the coming weeks.

Based on the behavior of the Omicron variant, which is quickly becoming the dominant strain of COVID-19, and science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, last Monday the CDC shortened the recommended time for isolation for the public. They recommend people with COVID-19 should isolate for five days and if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), followed by five days of wearing a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting people they encounter.

In light of the new CDC guidelines, the Washtenaw County Health Department has updated their quarantine and isolation timelines to align with the CDC’s newest guidance. Read all of the Washtenaw County Health Department’s COVID FAQs for Businesses, Organizations & Workers at

If someone tests positive for COVID-19, when can they go back to work? 

Individuals who tested positive for COVID-19, or experienced symptoms and know/believe they have COVID-19, cannot enter or return to the workplace until they have met the return to work criteria:

  • At least 5 days* have passed since symptoms first appeared, AND
  • At least 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, AND
  • Other symptoms have improved. (Note: Loss of taste and smell may continue for weeks or months after recovery. This does not delay the end of isolation/ability to safely return to work as long as other symptoms have improved.)

If the employee did not have any symptoms, they can return to work five days after the date they were tested (i.e. on Day 6, with date test administered as Day 0). If the employee is fully vaccinated for COVID-19, they are still required to complete a minimum 5-day isolation if they test positive for COVID-19.

These isolation guidelines apply to mild/typical cases of COVID-19. They do not apply to people with severe COVID-19 illness or weakened immune systems (immunocompromised). Some people with severe illness may continue to be infectious beyond 5 days! The isolation timeframe may be extended for hospitalized, severely ill, or severely immunocompromised individuals. The positive employee must follow the guidance provided by the local health department or hospital.

Questions about when it is safe to go back to work after getting sick with or testing positive with COVID-19? Please email the Washtenaw County Health Department staff at or call 734-544-6700. Have COVID and need an isolation letter for your employer? Call the number above or email

The State of Michigan has laws requiring sick or exposed employees to stay home, and prohibiting employers from disciplining these employees. If your employer is asking you to come to work when you are sick or you are concerned about the withholding of wages, call the MDHHS COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-535-6136, Monday – Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. You can also file a complaint with MIOSHA at .

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