Sara Swanson

Letter to the editor: Debbie Dingell is not her husband, 69 is not too old to serve

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April 7, 2022

In his letter to the Mirror of April 4, Mr. Donald Vescoso argued that, because redistricting has awarded us Debbie Dingell, who is a member of a long-serving family, as our new Congressional representative, we need “new blood and ideas’” in our congressional candidates.

I share with Mr. Vescoso some discomfiture with any political office becoming a family sinecure. Yet, early in our history, that happened when John Adams was succeeded by his son, John Quincy, to the highest office in the country … and with no harm to this nation. Indeed, we benefitted greatly under both presidents. Ted Kennedy’s succession to the Senate office held by his brother when JFK became president is another example and, again, with benefit to this country, not harm.

As Mr. Vescoso pointed out, the Dingells have held a congressional seat for 89 years. And during those years, they served both Michigan and this country well. John Dingell, Jr. was a major supporter of organized labor and fought hard to get the Medicare that many of us now depend on. He was a formidable champion of civil rights, and the need to balance clean air regulations with the need to protect jobs. My personal favorite act of his was his blistering attack on the Pentagon’s order for $600 toilet seats.

BUT, Debbie Dingell is not her husband. She is her own person. Her first election to the House was in 2015. That’s only seven years ago. Thus, to imply that she is somehow part of the “same old crowd” unjustly deprives her of her own character, her own accomplishments, her own talents and abilities, her uniqueness, and gives her identity solely in relation to her husband. That, Mr. Vescoso, is simply wrong.

I am also troubled by your suggestion that, at the age of 69 and soon eligible for Social Security, she is too old to serve our country. Donald Trump is 75. President Biden is 79. Mitch McConnell is 80 and Nancy Pelosi is 82. Perhaps you could argue that they should all simply leave public life and go to their rocking chairs? Or golf carts? On the other hand, I think you would agree that several newcomers to both Houses, some of whom are rather young and a few who were involved in the January 6 insurrection, are doing this country no good at all.

Debbie Dingell has supported a number of charities including founding and chairing the National Women’s Health Resource Center. Frankly, I know nothing of her voting record except for supporting the two impeachments of then-President Trump. In any case, however, assuming she decides to run again, don’t you think we should judge her on HER record … not her husband’s, nor her family name, nor, for heaven’s sake, her age?

Joan Gaughan

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