Adult Learners Institute announces its April classes
submitted by Joan Gaughan, Chelsea’s Adult Learners Institute (ALI)
Last fall, with the help of the Webb and Hubbell telescopes, Dr. Charlie Taylor turned our gaze to the farthest reaches of the known universe. This semester, in his class Biology 101 on the first three Wednesdays in April, he reverses our focus to the microscopic elements of life on Earth.
Life of a fluttery kind is the subject of Dr. Brent Crain’s evening class on April 12 on the Dazzling Butterflies: Dance with the Monarch. Now on the Endangered Species List, these magnificent creatures not only delight us with their beauty but also teach us much about the natural world we share with them.
On April 18, Rhoda Perkins-Boyer gives us a tour of Egypt with visits to Cairo, the Pyramids of Giza, a trip down the Nile, and a hot air balloon ride over Luxor. The Egyptian segment finished, she will then take us to Jordan for a visit to the “Rose City” of ancient Petra. The title of her class, Romance of Egypt and Jordan, suggests an allure that could linger when the tour is over.
Edwin Hoffman ponders how Hollywood shaped our notions of wealth and social status in his two classes on April 20 and 24. Although the class is titled Let’s Take My Limousine, it is still okay to love your 1993 F150.
On the last Friday in April, John Hauger will continue his musical tour of the twentieth century by exploring the social upheaval expressed in the Music of the 1960s, arguably the most tumultuous decade of the century. Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, the Beatles and Stones, the Mamas and the Papas may seem tame now but they certainly were not then.
Registration for ALI classes is by mail only. The catalog with registration form is available for download on the website, as well as at local libraries and various other locations in the area. Mail completed registration forms to Adult Learners Institute, P.O. Box 134, Chelsea, MI 48118. Registration fee is $10 per semester and the class fees range from $10 to $35.
If you have questions, please call the office at (734) 292-5540 or visit the ALI website.
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