Create the perfect personalized massage oil at MDL
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library
The Manchester District Library (MDL) welcomes back Nichole Jensen from Hand and Heartwork for Massage Oils Make & Take on Monday, March 27. This workshop will be held at 6:30pm in the library’s upstairs lounge.
Learn about different carrier oils, essential oils, and the various plants that can work together to create fantastic massage oils. Create the perfect individualized massage oil just for you, whether you are interested in something to soothe and calm or would like targeted heat for pain relief.
Advance registration is requested. Sign up at the circulation desk, by phone at (734) 428-8045, or use the online registration form available through the event details in the MDL event calendar. All ages are welcome to attend.
Stop by the library or visit the event calendar for information about this and other great programs for all ages at the MDL.
Manchester District Library (MDL) is proud to serve the Village of Manchester, Manchester Township, Bridgewater Township, and Freedom Township. Village of Clinton and Clinton Township residents are also eligible for MDL library cards and welcome to use all MDL resources. Current MDL hours are Monday–Thursday, 10am–8pm; Friday, 10am–6pm; and Saturday, 10am–2pm. The most up-to-date hours and the latest news are always available on the MDL website.
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