Watch the Timberdoodle Tumble in the Leonard Preserve

From Birds in Literature by Abby Churchill, 1911: “How many evenings have I tempted malaria germs … to watch the woodcock perform his strange sky dance! He begins on the ground with a formal, periodic peent, peent. It is repeated several times before he springs from the ground and on whistling wings sweeps out on the first loop of a spiral which may take him three hundred feet from the ground. Faster and faster he goes, louder and shriller sounds his wing-song; then after a moment’s pause, with darting, headlong flight, he pitches in zigzags to the earth, uttering as he falls a clear, twitter-ing whistle.”
by Sara Swanson
Have you ever wanted to see a Timberdoodle Tumble? Join Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation naturalist Kelsey Dehring Saturday, April 15, from 7:45 to 9pm in the Leonard Preserve. As the sun sets over open fields, experience the delightful aerial display of the American Woodcock, also known as a timberdoodle. During spring nights the males perform an elaborate routine to impress females, providing a quirky sign of spring that you don’t want to miss!
The Leonard Preserve parking lot is located at 375 N Union St. Please wear waterproof boots, as parts of the trail can be very wet and muddy. This event is limited to 20 people. Pre-registration is required. Email to register.
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