Public notice: Village of Manchester

Village Hall, Village of Manchester
Amendment to Chapter 98 of the Village Code
Village of Manchester, Washtenaw County, Michigan
An ordinance to amend Chapter 98, Section 98-2 of the Village Code of the Village of Manchester to amend the definition of vacant property.
1. Amendment to Chapter 98, Section 98-2
The definition for vacant property in Section 98-2 of Chapter 98 of the Village Code of the Village of Manchester is amended in its entirety to read as follows:
Vacant property means a residential, commercial, or industrial structure that remains unoccupied for a period in excess of 30 days, subject to the following:
(A) Vacant property does not mean property that is temporarily unoccupied while the residents are away on vacation, or while away tending to personal or business matters.
(B) Property which is unoccupied in excess of 30 days and offered for sale or lease constitutes vacant property and is not exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
(C) For properties that are more than one (1) story, any unoccupied street level story constitutes a vacant building.
(D) A building that has unoccupied street level storefront suite in the building, regardless of whether another storefront suite in the same building is occupied, constitutes a vacant building.
(E) A building in which a lawful business that was once open for regular business hours (with the exception of holidays and seasonal businesses) ceases operation for more than thirty (30) days constitutes a vacant building. A lawful business means the current use of the structure for which the structure was built or intended to be used.
2. Amendment to Chapter 98, Section 98-14
Section 98-14 of Chapter 98 of the Village Code of the Village of Manchester is amended in its entirety to read as follows:
Sec. 98-14. Reoccupation of vacant property; notification to Village.
Prior to reoccupation of property that is subject to this chapter, the owner shall notify the Village that the property being reoccupied or has been sold or rented, and to whom.
An inspection shall occur prior to the reoccupation of the property to ensure that it’s safe for reoccupation. Property shall be brought up to the safety standards of this ordinance if it is not safe.
3. Repeal of Conflicting Provisions
All other Village ordinances, Village Council resolutions, and parts thereof that conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and shall be of no further force or effect.
4. Severability
All sections, terms, provisions or clauses of this Ordinance shall be deemed independent and severable. Should a court of competent jurisdiction hold any section, term, provision or clause void or invalid, all remaining sections, terms, provisions and clauses not held void or invalid shall continue in full force and effect.
5. Publication and Effective Date.
The Village Clerk shall cause this Ordinance, or a synopsis of this Ordinance, to be published in the manner required by law within 15 days after it has been duly adopted by the Village Council. The effective date shall be 20 days after the date of passage.
Date of Adoption: April 3, 2023
Date of Publication: April 5, 2023
Effective Date: April 23, 2023
I, Brittany Kuhnle, am the Clerk for the Village of Manchester and certify that the above Ordinance was offered by member Way and supported by member Chartrand and the following council members voted:
AYE: DuRussel, Harvey, Way, Woods, Dresch, Vailliencourt, Chartrand
NAY: None
Further, this Ordinance, or a synopsis of this Ordinance, was published in the Manchester Mirror, a newspaper circulated in the Village of Manchester on the 3rd day of April, 2023.
Brittany Kuhnle, Village Clerk
Dated: April 3, 2023
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