Pickleball comes to Manchester; tournament planned for May!

New pickleball courts at Chi-Bro Park
by Sara Swanson
Although invented in 1965, pickleball has exploded in popularity in recent years, being named the fastest-growing sport in the United States by the Sports and Fitness Industry Association in 2021, 2022, and 2023. And now … pickleball has come to Manchester! With the recent completion of four courts in Chi-Bro Park, Manchester residents are only waiting on the installation of the nets to join in this increasingly popular sport.
Like other court and net games, pickleball can be played by singles or doubles. The play involves hitting a ball back and forth over the net, keeping a volley going, while adhering to a set of rules, until one side loses control of the ball. The balls and paddles are unique to the game. The balls resemble standard wiffle balls and are much less bouncy than tennis balls. The paddles resemble a cross between a ping-pong paddle and a tennis racket.
When asked how the Village decided on pickleball, Village president Pat Vailliencourt explained that the Parks Commission did some research on what type of outdoor activities were becoming most popular in parks. She stated, “Lisa DuRussel was a lot of help as she was familiar with what other communities were finding successful.”
With four courts, Chi-Bro will be set up as the perfect location for a local pickleball tournament! Carson Horky, a junior at Manchester Junior/Senior High School, is organizing its first, and it is a fundraiser for a worthy cause.
Horky stated, “In light of recent tragedies at schools throughout the state of Michigan and the US, as well as May being national mental health awareness month, I have put together a pickleball tournament in an effort to fundraise to help my fellow students suffering in silence from mental illnesses.”
The pickleball tournament will take place on Saturday, May 27, at 10am (check-in time for participants at 9am) on the courts at Chi-Bro Park. Admission to the tournament will be $60, with registration open to the first 32 teams of 2 who sign up before May 25. (Sign-up info is available through QR codes below.) Teams must bring their own paddles, but balls will be provided. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
The winning team will receive a $100 cash prize, bragging rights, and a trophy. Second- and third-place teams will also receive trophies. Horky emphasized that this tournament is not just for the seasoned pickleball players but is meant to be a fun event for people of ALL skill levels to come together to benefit Manchester students.
100% of the money raised will go directly to supporting Manchester students. Horky plans to partner with SRSLY Manchester (an organization active in the schools with the mission of promoting the health and well-being of Manchester youth and decreasing the onset and incidence of high-risk behaviors) by helping to fund some of the events planned for Mental Health Awareness month in May. He particularly hopes to help sponsor bringing a guest speaker to the school to talk about mental health.
Horky stated, “I believe that this event will not only benefit the students of Manchester Junior/Senior High School but also everyone involved. After the challenging years we have all experienced, I think we can all agree that getting some fresh air and exercise can help clear our minds and improve our overall well-being.”
Questions about the tournament? Email manchesterpickleballtournament@gmail.com.

New pickelball courts at Chi Bro Park.
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