Memorial Day observance set, without parade

Previous year’s Memorial Day parade. Mirror file photo.
by Marsha Chartrand
American Legion Post Commander Lester Koch announced with regret at last Monday’s Village Council meeting that there will NO Memorial Day Parade held this year. However, at 11am on May 29, there will be a brief ceremony at Oak Grove Cemetery. The American Legion and High School Band have committed to attending. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other community groups who wish to participate are invited. The community, especially all veterans and their families, are also welcome to attend.
Koch explained that this decision was forced to be made due to the advancing age and declining abilities of those Legionnaires who have long organized and participated in the Memorial Day activities.
Should there be renewed interest in the future, perhaps Manchester can revive this time-honored tradition. While Manchester is absolutely going through a transitional period, with many longstanding events coming to an end, observing a day in remembrance of those who have died in service of our country should perhaps be one we prioritize saving.
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