Marsha Chartrand

Senior Center to offer free, informative programs

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Now that the seniors are all cleaned up and painted up, they are happy to host programs at their new quarters.

by Marsha Chartrand

The Manchester Area Senior Center is offering free programs to benefit seniors. Stay informed about important issues that affect senior citizens and get your social outing as well! Here are two upcoming events at the center, located in the Caife Aspire (formerly known as Ackerson Building), 410 City Rd. The main entrance is off Beaufort Street; for disabled access, park in the Wolverine Street lot and enter from the rear. There will be signs to guide you.

On WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, from 1 to 4pm, Dea Lancaster, R.N. from the Washtenaw County Health Department, will present information on available services that can be delivered within the area. She will discuss the needs of Manchester Seniors and then schedule a return visit to bring relevant materials and execute actual services, such as vaccines.

On SATURDAY, JUNE 17, from 10am to noon, MASCC and Manchester UMC are having a joint workshop on Senior Fraud Prevention. Social Worker and former Washtenaw County Deputy Alyshia Dyer will present methods employed by scammers and prevention strategies. This is an important topic because many area seniors have been taken in by scammers. It is very easy to fall for their schemes!

Mark your calendar now for these important programs, and others will be announced in coming weeks.

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